It's Time For Recreational Cannabis In Georgia

Cities in Georgia like Atlanta, Clarkston, and Savannah, have already decided to take steps toward decriminalization of cannabis and now it looks like soon there might be some statewide changes coming about that would decriminalize possession, and more.

Lawmakers recently approved of a bill that would allow for cannabis oil to be sold for medicinal use in dispensaries to registered patients and it would also make way for new rules surrounding the ability of farmers in the region to be able to grow cannabis, manufacture, test, and distribute.

There are already thousands of medical cannabis patients in the state, but despite the popularity to see change, it still remains illegal for recreational purposes.

Georgia has enabled medicinal cannabis for some time now, however it was still prohibited to buy, sell, and transport, or grow etc, and it made it extremely difficult--near impossible--for patients to gain lawful access to cannabis.

The bill that was recently approved, Bill 324, is now moving forward to the Senate.

Some critics have spoken out against the changes, such as law enforcement and a few religious groups, claiming that this is a "dangerous path" to be heading down that might eventually lead to outright cannabis legalization on a broad scale. But what critics should be more afraid of is the notion that individual liberty is and has been continually eroded for decades over a beneficial plant that has helped to improve the quality of life for millions.

Unfortunately, police in the region are still peddling the same anti-cannabis propaganda that's been circulating for years, that cannabis is a "dangerous gateway drug", they have yet to recognized the profound and overwhelming failures of the war on drugs in their communities.

Is it a good idea to extort and cage people who want to grow, sell, or consume cannabis? History has already proven that this position isn't wise to take, in that it can't ever accomplish the intended goal. You can cause a tremendous amount of harm in the process of forcing telling people what they should or shouldn't put into their bodies.

Georgia should be a leader in liberty...

Lawmakers in the region should seek to embrace cannabis freedom and set an example for neighbor states that should also seek to lower their prison population and stop locking people up for years and decades because of a joint.

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pic 2 - 420life
pic 3- FTP

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