Cannabis Proves To Be More Effective Than Medication For Migraines

It's estimated that something around 13 percent of the adult US population suffers from migraines and for many of them they aren't able to find any remedy from common medications that get prescribed for the issue.

One possible solution for them might be cannabis.

Researchers suggest that cannabis might be more effective than common migraine medication like amitriptyline, according to a recent study. Their findings were recently presented at the Congress of the European Academy of Neurology that's in Amsterdam; it's an annually held neurology conference.

The study involved 79 participants who all suffered from migraines or cluster headaches. The participants consumed an oral dose of cannabis, specifically it was a drug containing THC and CBD and they consumed this every day for at least 3 months.

The researchers found that the cannabis was able to improve the headaches by roughly 40.4 percent.

And this is slightly better than what they found for the medication, which was around 40.1 percent improvement.

This isn't the first time that researchers have investigated the effects of cannabis on migraines, nor that they have suggested that it might be able to help such an issue. These new results further add to the growing evidence that cannabis can provide help for a myriad of different health issues, including things like migraines and headaches.

A number of the participants reported an improvement for not only their headaches and migraines, but they also found reduced muscle pain, fewer stomach aches, and an overall improvement in their health.

But not everyone reported positive side effects, some found that the cannabis made them drowsy and that it also made it difficult for them to concentrate.

For many who suffer with cluster headaches or migraines, they aren't able to find any help from common big pharma options out there for them.

And aside from that, some of the migraine medication is also very costly, with one option being around 8-20k per year. So not only could cannabis provide them with help physically but the option could also give them some much needed cost savings.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

Atomazul via Shutterstock

The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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