Alabama Mayor Calls For A Different Approach On Cannabis

A growing number of states in the US today are well on their way toward making changes in their approach to the drug war.

They're moving to embrace legalization and approve cannabis use for both recreational and/or medicinal purposes. Because it's time to allow people to exercise their natural rights and make the decision for themselves as to whether or not they want to consume this substance.

Along with the acceptance for recreational or medicinal use, there are also a variety of educational institutions that have been getting the chance to use it for educational purposes. And there are millions of people in the US now who are using cannabis to seek remedy from their various illnesses.

The US has the largest prison population in the world and they've been at this war on drugs for a few decades now, with little good to show for it.

Many people have had their lives ruined because they've been found guilty of a victimless crime. Take the case of 45-year-old trucker Bernarn Noble for example, who happens to be a father of 7 children. He only had two previous nonviolent offenses on his record when he was stopped by the police in New Orleans and had his life change forever. He had been found with a small amount of cannabis on him and was consequently given 13+ years behind bars. And there are many others out there with similar stories to his.

Aside from those who have their lives ruined by spending an incredible amount of time locked up for something that involves no victim, there are many others who have their lives ruined by the criminal record that they receive. They might be arrested over it but they don't end up going to jail, they could still have that impact their eligibility however for certain jobs, housing opportunities, and more.

In Alabama,

few who are being arrested are allegedly ending up in prison but the police there are very busy wasting resources over policing this plant. As far as those who are in state prison in Alabama right now, held on a conviction for a 1st degree Possession of Marijuana charge, the rate has dropped about 69 percent compared to that seen in 2009.

However, there is still an issue with overcrowded prisons there. And it looks like the police haven't yet gotten the memo that perhaps they should be spending their time focused on other priorities, they're still busy making many arrests over cannabis. The court system there is congested right now with too many cannabis cases that need to get through, thousands of cases needing to be seen every year.

When it comes to the problem of overcrowded prisons in Alabama, one mayor there says that it's time to change the approach to cannabis.

Mayor Walt Maddox of Tuscaloosa says that the criminal justice system for the city is overwhelmed and in order to try and resolve that issue, he thinks is to stop fighting cannabis and against those who use it. Maddox says that it is a waste of time for police officers to be having them prioritize this matter, it's a waste of time, effort, and money.

Let's try something else besides throwing people in a cage for consuming a substance that some people don't approve of. Maddox suggests that the matter needs to be dealt with in a different way, they can't just keep throwing people in jail because that hasn't ever worked.

Another Alabama lawmaker, Senator Doug Jones, has also suggested that he too is in favor of making some changes when it comes to the state's current approach on cannabis. Having worked as a lawyer for many years, he's well aware of the failures of the war on drugs and how clogged up the criminal justice system is with these cases. Because of that, he can see the benefit to decriminalization, legalization, or having officers simply prioritize other laws to enforce. Perhaps it wont be that long before we start to see some more significant changes in this area, with the remaining states moving to get on with a different approach to cannabis.


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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