How Does Vitamin K Cause Apoptosis (Cell Death) of Cancer Cells? ..Here It Is, With Scientific Confirmations

Note: This composition includes the author's thoughts and reactions.

Keywords Used: "vitamin k apoptosis".
..this is even worse than the phyto-cannabinoid supplement delay since 2001, vitamin K treatment has been collecting dust and unavailable since 1997.


The following medical journal publication clarifies that vitamin K successfully causes apoptosis (cell death) of leukemia cells. Read carefully.

Summary: Head and neck cancer cells exhibit a difference of biochemical properties with cancer cell types from other areas of the body. The biochemical function responsible for apoptosis in head and neck cancer cells cannot be initiated using vitamin K treatment. The vitamin is however scientifically confirmed to initiate the biochemical process/pathway to apoptosis (cancer cell death) in leukemia cells.

A vitamin K supplement can be included along with hydrophilic phyto-cannabinoids which are chemically available to the hydrophilic environment of the CB2 receptors expressed at the membranes of bone marrow cells.

To illustrate the mapping of cellular resources. For the mind's eye, a personal anecdote...

This would suggest that my father who developed a neck tumor may have had a diet which included a sufficient amount of vegetable greens. A source of nutrition that contains the vitamin K which plants require during the process of photosynthesis.

Given the scientifically confirmed requirements of the endogenous cannabinoid system, we can suspect at least two causes of endogenous cannabinoid depletion beside inflammation due to injury/disease. My father could have been deficient of the vitamin C necessary to preserve endogenous cannabinoids while also being deficient of Omegas 3 and 6 which human biochemistry requires during the production of endogenous cannabinoids. The important cannabinoid molecules are necessary anti-inflammatory and apoptosis (cancer cell death) causing products of human biochemistry.

After reviewing many scientific confirmations, it would seem that some cells are genetically hardwired to express either CB1, CB2 or both receptors at their membranes. This aspect will allow us to map the types of cancer cells to their respective methods of biochemically effective treatment.

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