The cannabis strain called Biesel.

Shark Haze X Sour Diesel.

It's acrid aroma carries strong skunky elements and an enticing mixture of fuel and Haze spice battling for attention in the background.


It's quite potent head effects start, doing the conventional Diesel thing and filling the user's head with pressure and a buzzing sensation, and causing the mind to wander off at the slightest distraction. This excited and cerebral initial effect quickly drops into a much more "blank slate" feeling, where the mind is truly just processing information and an individual isn't doing much interacting — it's suitable for movies and other passive entertainment, but anything active may possibly be a tad too much.


The body effects certainly are a strong muscle relaxation and the tendency to keep seated as a result of general level of comfort this med provides. Strong appetite stimulation and ocular effects signal "Sativa", but the general tenor of the knowledge is more along the Indica lines after dark initial 30-45 minutes.

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