DIY Marijuana Tincture

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@dillemma had oral surgery last week

and has been on a liquid diet and generally miserable. She bought some marijuana tincture at a dispensary and it made her feel better than the prescription painkillers. I made some more tincture this morning as buying it is quite expensive (and I had a couple of ounces of seeded bud that a friend gave me a while back which was just sitting there).


For a tincture to work you need to heat up the marijuana first to convert THCA to THC, a process known as decarboxylation. This is simpler than it sounds. I ground up the bud and heated it in the oven at 150° F for a few hours.

I had 4 different strains and kept them all separate to make single-strain tinctures.

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Jar of decarboxylated ground up Gorilla Glue ready for alcohol

I used 90% grain alcohol (Everclear) and poured enough to cover the ground up marijuana. After just a few minutes and some shaking, the alcohol will be a deep dark green color. You will see some recipes say to leave the jar sitting for several days; this doesn't hurt of course, but most of what you are going to get out happens relatively quickly. I let these sit for a few hours, shaking occasionally, before straining through a coffee filter.

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