100% cannabis cigars - cannagars (and how to make them)

Below are some of my hand crafted cannabis cigars, I will be giving a brief history on cannagars, and an introduction into making your own.

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Thai sticks were the original cannabis cigar, originating in the 1970s in Thailand, they were made by binding Cannabis flowers to bamboo skewers, dipping them in opium, and using the cannabis fan leaves to seal it together. Thai sticks first came to the US with seamen who wanted to share the luxury with friends at home. In addition to the opium filled Thai sticks it was also common practice to skewers cannabis flowers/buds and wrap them to form a cylindrical core. You then take cannabis fan leaves and wrap them together adding addition cannabis flower to fill in the gaps. The first method allowed the Thai stick to be smoked as a cigar, while the second method you have to break off chunks and load them into a pipe to smoke.


Cannagars are traditionally made in cannabis cigar molds. Packing cannabis flowers into these molds makes the cannabis bind together forming a cannagar “core”. This allows for a perfectly symmetrical cannagar and a consistent destiny for an even burn and slow smoke. After letting the mold rest for 2 days the cannabis cigar is ready to be rolled. I personally use fresh leaves and bind them together individually with melted THC oil. You have to melt your oil genitally, or else the terpene structures will be damaged, as they are very temperature sensitive. After the leaves are bound together it is time to release the cores from the mold and roll. The finished cannabis cigar will need to be bound in hemp string for 1 day while it dries, and then a 2 week cure to release chlorophyll.


After a 1 month cure they are ready to be sealed. I'll post a video of these wax dips, it looks super cool on a time lapse!

I'm trying to get away from traditional social media for a plethora of reasons, but if you would like to find me on any other platform my username is EverythingCannagar.

This has been my first post to steemit, I gotta say already I can tell more information will be shared here than on say youtube or instagram, simply because the input is allowed to be in this form rather than an image or video with a caption. I look forward to hearing feedback!

Thank you forreading!

Joshua hamilton


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