My Cousin's Grow Part 5 | Finale

I have been documenting my cousin's Rugburn OG grow for the past couple of months,  and I am excited to say that the 2 plants are finally finished! I was also lucky enough to get to visit him out in Colorado, and I got to help during the trimming process! 

He grew Rugburn OG from the Rare Dankess breeding company.  The soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forest,  and 5 gallon smart pots were used.  The grow light is a Kind XL1000 LED and the grow box is a 5x5 Gorilla Grow tent.  Fox Farm nutrients were used such as Big Bud,  Kelp me Kelp you,  Bat Guano,  Happy Frog,  and Tiger Bloom.  Supplemental C02 was also used via a mycelium bag. 

This grow went a lot longer than it was supposed to.  I am not sure if this was because of heat stress in the beginning or what,  but it took an extra 5-6 weeks from what the seeds were projected.  Flowering time was supposed to be between 60-75 days,  but took over an extra month.  He is growing the same exact strain one more time and we will see if the stress on the plants in the beginning was the culprit or not. 

I was lucky enough to fly out to Colorado while my cousin was trimming the plants,  and I helped him out.  

For some reason,  it was very difficult for me to get clear shots of the garden/buds because my camera phone did not want to focus correctly.  I did the best that I could,  but I really need to splurge for a nice camera. 

Here are some shots of the garden before we chopped it down,  some closeup nug shots,  and a few nice nug shots after trimming:

Thanks for checking out my cousin's grow, and I appreciate all of the support and feedback.

To the moon,


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