The Inside Story of Cannabidiol - What are the Benefits of CBD?

The Inside story of Cannabidiol A few years ago, a remarkable thing happened when CBD oil became legal in all the 50 states of the United States. If you remove CBD from THC, which comes from the cannabis plant or hemp plant, CBD oil is now legal to use as a nutritional supplement. Since then, the market has of course exploded with interest in cannabis. This conversation today is about the physiological effect of CBD on the human body. sincerely; CBD is not just another nutritional supplement. We will describe the intense scientific research, going on around the world, but in simple language so everyone can understand why CBD is so important to human physiology. To understand how important CBD is to our health, must we first ask the simple question; How does our health work? Is it the absence of illness alone? If you do not have symptoms, then you must be quick? It is actually a far more important issue, and a deeper question than just this .. How does human physiology really work? How is it designed? Generally, every aspect of human physiology, is based on the balance of polar opposites, in between Yin and Yang This creates homeostasis When we look at specific parts of our physiology, such as the immune system, Yin and Yang, the contradictions, be anti-inflammation and inflammation, the negative and the positive. When these two parts are in balance, your immune system works as it should. If we talk about our nervous system, then we talk about the forces of "arousal" and the forces of "inhibition / relaxation" When we talk about our endocrine system, or the hormone system, we have the power of breaking down tissue, or the catabolic hormones, and we have the anabolic hormones that form our tissues. With these two forces in balance, we have homeostasis, of our endocrine system, our hormone system. If we talk about Oxidation (oxygenation), we have the powers of Anti-oxidation and Oxidation Most people think that you just have to fill up with Anti-oxidants all the time, as if oxidation is bad. This is NOT true! Unless we had Oxidates, or the forces of Oxidants in our bodies, you couldn't survive just one minute. These two things must be in balance. They must be in homeostasis. All of our our physiological systems, are dependent on being in this constant constant, on homeostasis - a dynamic balance. The stronger your physiological ability is to remain in homeostasis, and its more robust your ability to remain in homeostasis, the healthier you are! Next question; What exactly does "dynamic balance" mean? This can be difficult to understand and the best way is a model - a model of a turmoil. So here we have him looking at a turmoil. You probably played with one when you were a kid, maybe you even have one in your home right now. We have all the horizontal elements, with little strings hanging from them, and we have the stars hanging down at the bottom. In this specific model, the stars represent signaling molecules, If this is a model of your nervous system, are the stars that hang, Neuro transmitters. If this was a turmoil of your endocrine system, your hormone system, then the hanging star would be your hormones. And if this were your immune system, the hanging star would be Cytokines, or Lymphokines. These are signaling molecules that make your immune system work. What creates dynamic balance is, as you know, If you change the least in this turmoil, change it, the whole thing in this turmoil. For example, let's say that the star down here at the bottom, which is now big, raised and red, being pulled down as if you took a paper clip and put on the turmoil. That star will pull the turmoil down and everything in the turmoil will change position ... You cannot change a single element without affecting everything else in the turmoil. What is interesting, however, is that the turmoil will first move through all the different stages, and in this imbalance, change position and move until the body slowly falls to rest, and the turmoil finds a new stage of homeostasis, a new stage of balance. Everything has now changed position, all the stars have been given new positions, and many of the horizontal elements are no longer horizontal / balance. But our physiology is so smart, that it will find a new point of balance. During the change of stellar positions, where you feel sick is where you have symptoms. But our body, our physiology will compensate, a new balance will take place and you will be able to continue. Now let me explain, how modern medicine, with pharmaceutical "medicine," interact with the physiological system. Let's say you have another star, one of those elements that comes off course, This star out here on the left ..., So, you feel uncomfortable and you go to the doctor. The doctor does various tests and decides to give you "medicine". So you take this pharmaceutical medicine, to handle this element on the left, which has now come off course. The pharmaceutical "medicine" is designed to relieve these symptoms. Note that this "medicine" is designed to strike at just one star. Not the complete system of turmoil, but the one star and its symptom that has created. Although we know that pharmaceutical "medicine" has countless unnoticed side effects, and because of the "medicine" you are taking now, there is a next star coming off course, and you get more symptoms and now you need a new "medicine" to equalize the fewest "medicine", so you hit that star now. And now a third is coming off course, and you now hit it too. Now, let's say you look stable, it seems to work, and everything is balance. But is it really that? -all together seem to be stable because the turmoil no longer changes positions, but let's take a closer look at your system. This is what is actually happening. You now have all sorts of unnatural stresses connected to your physiology, to your anxiety, and you can see that the model is under great pressure! This overload and suppression of all the signaling stars, pulls sharply into turmoil and you can see that some of these horizontal sticks are now bent due to the pressure. If just one little thing goes wrong with your physiology, maybe something as simple as a cold or virus, or a "medicine" interaction that you could not foresee, and suddenly something is breaking - -The system is now under so much strain, and so much stress, that the fluctuation is huge, and you may end up finding yourself in the intensive waking up department. So, in a nutshell; Pharmaceutical "medicine" works at the level of symptoms, NOT the systems ... Which puts enormous strain on your physiological system! So, you guys have shown this to be able to identify and highlight the differences, how pharmaceutical "drugs" work on par with the stars of turmoil, and to how CBD works. CBD - Instead of working at the level of the stars, the level of the system works in balance. On the "Nexus of balance". This is seen by the crystal green balls, where the string is connected to the horizontal stick. This is where the system detects whether it is in balance or out of balance. The system cannot detect what happens at the level of the stars. But the system knows what's going on, right there in the crystal-green sphere where balance is maintained. So in the model we apply with a turmoil, to mark how our physiology works, that's where CBD works ... So, in our actual physiology, where is it CBD works ..? Let's take a closer look! We're going to get into our physiology, right into our central nervous system. We will look at the level of the individual cells that the cell surface is covered with these green receptors, they are receptors for CBD. When CBD binds to the receptor, a message is sent into the cell, moving all the way into the nucleus of that cell, where intelligence of all our physiology is stored in our chromosomes. Here, a chromosome will open, and you get to see the actual DNA, that contains the codes for everything our body does. This is just like the software that drives our physiology. Genes are the codes for any protein our body creates. Including all the signaling molecules that drive our physiology. Such as our neurotransmitters running our nervous system. Our hormones that drive our endocrine system, and our cytokines that drive our immune system. So, for example, imagine that these are cells in your pancreas that produce insulin. This happens in maybe 1 mile. cells, where everyone produces large amounts of insulin to keep your blood sugar in normal balance, Again, your insulin is a hormone, which is a protein. So we see, all the way through our physiology, that we have receptors specifically designed to bind with CBD, and CBD has its effect in the cell nucleus of our cells, where proteins are created. So what proteins are created from the influence of CBD? CBD modulates the transcription of over 1100 genes, which constitute the signaling molecules that naturally reduce inflammation in our central nervous system, and throughout our immune system. Restores homeostasis to both our immune system and central nervous system. As you can see on the left of the presentation, CBD, up-regulate the genes that create Anti-inflammatory biochemistry from our immune system and up-regulate the GABA system in our central nervous system, which brings calm to the central nervous system. On the right side of the presentation, we see that CBD down-regulates the genes, which creates the inflammatory biochemistry of our immune system, and at the same time down-regulate the glutamine system in our central nervous system, which causes excitement. Now let's go back to the model of our physiology and see how CBD has an effect. We are back to the one star who is off course, and now CBD is introduced, and volar ..., We see a cascade through all the points of balance in our system, and our turmoil comes back to homeostasis, to its original, stable and beautiful balance. Our physiological system is far more complex than the simple turmoil I've shown you here, with only 12 stars, For example, our immune system has 350 different signaling molecules in it, so it is a huge mobile which also explains why there are so many unforeseen "drug" interactions, because if you affect just one of these stars, it will change all the other 350 stars, and who can foresee this? So, in fact, this is what our immune system really looks like. And of course; When you introduce CBD to our hugely complex physiology, the immune system will launch a cascade that moves all the way through all 350 stars. A fantastic sight. Opsumering ... CBD, causes a cascade of homeostasis, throughout our central nervous system and our immune system Why is this happening? It's over we have receptors in our physiology for CBD. This is called the Endo-Cannabinoid System (ECS). Looking back at our medical study, we didn’t even learn about the endo-cannabinoid system. ECS was discovered in the 1990s by Dr. Rafael Mechoulan from Hebrew University in Israel. How impressive a lot of biochemical technology, and innovation comes from the small country. So the endo-cannabinoid system is a network of cells throughout our body that has receptors for CBD. In fact, there are more receptors for CBD in our body than any other type of receptor. So that ECS is, in its simplicity, the largest network of its kind, for the purposes of our entire physiology. Dr. Mechoulam discovered, among other things. also that we create our own cannabinoids in our body. This is Anandamide and 2AG. Anandamide is something that we produce when we meditate, which is also called the "happiness hormone". 2AG is also a cannabinoid, which is released into breast milk when breastfeeding a child. So it is no wonder that an infant is so calm and happy when breastfeeding. These two components are also associated with "the runners high", - you know, the point where you run and suddenly hit the state of happiness, you run through the wall and are suddenly in a state of happiness. These two are natural cannabinoids that we form our own bodies ourselves, and bind to our CBD receptors. Here we have our CBD receptors in our central nervous system, and in our Cardiovascular System, where our immune cells are constantly circulating. Of course in our bone marrow, where the cells are produced, and of course in our immune organs. Our largest immune organs are our intestinal system, spleen and bladder, and finally, but not least our lymphatic system. So our bodies are filled with CBD receptors. What now .., now you know the story, Why is this important, why is it relevant, and why is it important to you and me? Or if you are interested in the CBD distribution business, why is it important to humanity? If you live in an urban area of ​​the United States, or in any other area of ​​the world, you are inflamed. Your central inheritance system is inflamed, as well as your immune system is inflamed, and none of us are excepted, because our physiological system is under attack. The attack from environmental toxins, such as; herbicides, insecticides, pesticides and heavy metals. The chronic biological infections such as; bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold spores, and last but not least, the stressed diet of our inflammation, which is typically extremely deficient, and typically with too much sugar, causing "leaky gut" / leaky gut, an inflamed gut, which allows wise bacteria and aggression to enter our blood and into our systems. So, what symptoms and what kind of stress does all these things cause us? If those immune systems are inflamed, you may be suffering from autoimmune diseases such as; Arthritis, Inflammated bowel, Lupus or inflamed thyroid, or fibromyalgia, or even multiple sclerosis. and your skin, such as psoriasis, or eczema, and all types of chronic disorders. Do you realize that many of the above things didn't even exist 100 to 150 years ago? The incidence of these types of diseases has been growing throughout the last century. Due to the contaminated toxin stressed environments that we now daily absorb into our systems. Now let's take a look at the Central Nervous System. If this is inflamed, what types of symptoms do you typically suffer from ?; "Brain fog", migraine, epilepsy, anxiety and PTSD, ADD, ADHD, autism and insomnia. Again, for 100 to 150 years, the type of symptoms and illnesses were extremely rare, and over the last 150 years, due to the repeated attacks on our systems, these symptoms are prevalent every single year. So..., if you suffer from any of these symptoms or illnesses, CBD can contribute tremendous healing power and relief. Right through your own Endo-Cannabinoid System, which brings homeostasis, in both your immune system and your central nervous system. In conclusion, what have we learned from this conversation? That health is achieved through physiological homeostasis, via our own natural EndoCannabinoid System. And that's why CBD is an indispensable catalyst for optimal health. For those of you who might be interested in the CBD distribution business, and dissemination and knowledge of CBD, is this map, an overview of all the important points discussed in this video. On one side of the map is a parallel arrangement of pharmaceutical CBD, versus the unique and most effective product on the market today. It is a proprietary nano-fat-soluble technology that allows oral intake of the oil under your tongue, where it is recorded directly into your heart circuit. We call this, "Intra-Venous power" with the convenience of oral recording. That's right; one pump under your tongue and it goes directly into your heart circuit. This fat-soluble nano composition, is six times better soluble than even the pharmaceutically produced products! It is very important that you understand this, because not only is it the most physiologically effective, but also the most economical on the market. This proprietary and unique fat-soluble technology, was developed by researcher, Dr. Christopher Shade at Quicksilver Scientific. He is famous in the field of functional and integrative medicine, and his proprietary medicines are used all over the world, to their patients every single day. On the other side of the card, is a summary of all the different symptoms, which a person may suffer from if there is inflammation of the central nervous system, or inflammation of the immune system, therefore this simple reference. You will also notice points 3 and 4 where CBD reduces pain. So you know some people who suffer are a lot of pain, which could be due to chronic inflammation, will CBD really have an effect, but also No. 4 .; CBD affects the body's natural properties for detoxification. At the bottom of the map you will see a reference to CBD sceince info, at; If you go to this site, you will be able to find thousands of references directly from the government's own research. Which is the archive for all articles, and for all the clinical scientific studies that are constantly being collected, about CBD, and all the different conditions that it has a positive effect on. So, to all of you who have been following this video, traveling into our physiology, to understand the effects of CBD, on our health and well-being Wish you all the best! CBD can make a big difference to your health and well-being. And, to all of you who may be interested in the business and distribution of CBD, both here in the US and in the rest of the world, All the best! It's an important area, a very significant area, partly for the fellow human beings you love, but also for humanity in general in the rest of the world! All the best!

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