Creating No-Till Indoors {Living Soil.}

Thank you for viewing my transformation to bare soil to Living No-Till Soil! We will build an indoor soil for cannabis; packed full of valuable plant food and a balanced PH! Not to mention better water retention. Special thanks to @canna-curate, @bluntsmasha @jonyoudyer @justinashby @jackdub @pharesim @ceattlestretch And EVERYONE who I have discussed No-Till With on The Discord server! Here's to the unofficial No-Till Grower Group here on steemit. :)
Here I am holding my favorite cover Crop for No-Till. PEPPERMINT!! Let's take some seeds indoors and sprout them underneath each cannabis plant. Can you think of a better smelling terpine to introduce to an indoor environment? #No-Till #indoor #terpines #canna-curate.
We will also be sprouting some bush beans in the No_till soil. Sprouts of almost any kind will help the cannabis soil. There are now beans planted in all three pots! #Homesteading #plants #sprouts #Cannabis #gardening.
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Here you can see that I pulled off all the lower leaves to get to the soil easier! I also added green moss; peat moss; and grass! The soil is starting to actually look alive! :) #No-till #Newstrain.
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Here we are under the Hitgirl Pheno #3. You can see I saved some of the "weeds" growing in the grass and the moss. #phenohunt #newstrain
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Here we are under the Strawberry Donut. #Newstrain #strawberrydonut
Here's all three strains! :) Hitgirl #3 Strawberry Donut And Hitgirl #2! I will keep improving the soil and shoe it off again soon. Here's To No-Till and Veganic buds!
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