
I'm running low and my plants are not ready to harvest just yet. Well, I'm giving it one more month before I start the harvesting process.

Also have these little potent ones too, got gifted an 1 ounces of it. Don't have names for any of them. I don't really care to name them.

I grow them and treat it well the best I can in the little time frame I have, because although I make time for myself, the rest is on researching anarchist stuff, stealing memes, tending to my cats, crypto trading(gambling) on the 5min window and slowly but surely getting a good portfolio through wise, maybe, investments.

I recently decided on investing 20ishUSD on HIVE every weekend. I will do this till the end of the year and power up all of it.

Never going sell what any HIVE I get through your votes/donations. That will remain powered up. Also 50% of my investment, in a time I see adequate to do so(don't worry it will be many years from now), will be powered down.

Of that 50% powered down, let's pretend it's 1000.

500 will go into the exchange to be sold them to purchase again at another all time low price and then, you guessed it, powered up again to repeat the cycle.

The remaining 500 15% of that will go to investment else where. The rest is for me to do whatever I want with it.

Because I have memory loss it seems, I added it to my calendar so I won't ever forget once.

20 bucks or 500pesos once a week for 52 weeks is $1040USD or 17,680MXN.

I can't give an actual good estimate as to how much hove that will be because of the price fluctuating day by day, but let's pretend is 17¢ throughout every time I buy it would be 6k thousand HIVE, rounded down.

Damn, I could buy a small simple stick arch welding machine and all the protective gear needed with that and still have plenty left over to start my own business.

Why am I invested in HIVE?

One reason out of many,
I see potential in this platform as a means to share wealth. Simple as that. Not going into the dirty details just yet.

Well that's the money connection side that I have with hive. I don't think I need more explanation. Infact I didn't even need to say it all...

Tempting to not even post all this.

About this blog:

There is no clear defined topic. I'm random. Mostly I do speak on liberty, rights, sovereignty, etc, but I am just as human as the rest of you and I have my special likings to this world as well. And as much as I struggle through with my demonic side, I am over powered by love that nature gifts me.

Example A:


She makes 4 now. The rest are adults already. She came to me last night meowing for eternity at my front door untill I woke up and answered her call. A stray.

Of course I couldn't say no. I have the means and the time to take care of her. And that's what I'll do.

I usually have had dogs but they have all grown and moved on the street life on their own grounds. I only wanted to raise them to be able to lead themselves and we'll adjustable to the conditions in this world and set them loose. Many still come back and greet me and I always leave out food and water for them.

Anyways... I lost track of what this post was going to be for. A blog is essentially a public journal. A public diary of you will. And also, a bazaar. The thing is, what am I here to "sell"?


Back to writing drafts I go...

I needed this lol:

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