Asucre Thanga Parpam (Purified Medicinal Gold) - Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Ingredients, Side Effects & Method of Preparation



It  is one of the most famous Siddha medicine used for complicated health  concerns as well as general wellbeing. Many people think how Gold can be  used as a medicine in ancient ages. There were several cumbersome  procedures which are described in ancient alchemy to explore the  extraordinary health benefits of Thanga Parpam.

Thanga Parpam is  prepared from Gold. Its uses in Siddha vary from infertility, general  debility, muscular weakness, sexual weakness in men and frigidity in  women, Asthma, heart conditions, nervous disorders, arthritis of all  types especially Rheumatoid arthritis. All the diseases of Vata and  Kapha imbalance respond quickly to use of Thanga Parpam.


  • Excellent  Aphrodisiac - used by riches to improve stamina, strength, low sperm  count, improve quality and quantity of semen, clear the yellowness in  semen, make it thicker, cure erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation  and infertility in both men and women.
  • It  is an excellent cardiac tonic and useful in general weakness, low BP  and low pumping capacity of the heart. It helps to improve low appetite,  lack of digestive fire.
  • Improves  memory, intelligence and useful in nervous weakness as well as  nephropathy caused by Diabetes. It's a wonderful formula in where the  person feels lethargic, pain in lower legs, fatigue, tiredness,  lassitude, coated tongue and general weakness.
  • It  improves muscle strength, helps in all wasting diseases like muscular  dystrophy, loss of memory, dementia due to aging, Parkinsonism, Tissue wasting.


Thanga  Parpam is very popular for its use as natural treatment for erectile  dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men due to diabetic neuropathy.  In Diabetes, the nerves become weak leading to Diabetic neuropathy.  Thanga Parpam gives excellent results in such cases. The dosage is 15 mg  to 62.5 mg once daily only. Thanga Parpam can be used for erectile  dysfunction by anyone, even if he has diabetes or not. 

THANGA GOLD PARPAM FOR PURIFICATION  - It is mentioned in Siddha that Thanga Parpam is the best rejuvenative  and anti-aging substance found on earth. This has properties to improve  metabolism of blood formation, digestion, assimilation, excretion and  purification, and nervous coordination. Slowly consuming Thanga Parpam  in dosage of 30-62.5 mg for about 3-4 months leads to remarkable  results. The body becomes as pure and shiny as Gold. 

In ancient  text Ashtanga Hridaya Sutras Thana 7th Chapter, it's mentioned that if  someone used Gold bhasma for a few months, the toxins cannot do any  harm, just like a water drop that cannot touch the leaf of the lotus  flower. Thanga Gold Parpam should be used only for 3 months in a year  time and It is better to use Silver Parpam if you have chronic blood  pressure. 

EFFECT OF THANGA GOLD PARPAM ON TRIDOSHA - Helps balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

DOSAGE OF THANGA GOLD PARPAM - 15.5 – 62.5 mg once to twice daily or 125 mg once every alternate day after food. THANGA GOLD PARPAM has wonderful aphrodisiac effect if taken along with Atirasadi Churna.
Use of Milk is recommended along with use of THANGA GOLD PARPAM. It  fortifies the property of the herb with which it is used. Suppose if  you are taking memory enhancing supplements, they will work better if  they are taken with Gold Bhasma. Similarly if you are consuming stamina  promoting supplements, the Gold bhasma will give them a boost as well. 


Self-medication  is always not good and can prove dangerous The precise dosage should be consumed and for a limited period of time only. Keep it out of reach of  children and store in a dry, cool place (no need to refrigerate but  room temperature is ok). 


THANGA  GOLD PARPAM is made from pure gold which is further purified after many  cumbersome techniques of ancient alchemy. There are many methods. Purified  Gold leaf is made into powder and lemon juice is applied over it. The  paste of Ras sindur - A compound of mercury and then heated in absence  of air at 500 Celsius for 5-6 hrs to get pure THANGA GOLD PARPAM bhasma 50  mg per day. It can also be given in dosage of 15.5 - 62.5 mg once or  twice day milk or honey or ghee or Amukkura choornam (A prepared  medicine) after food. Usually 1 to 2 months dosage is recommended  in general debility, weakness, sexual weakness, nephropathy due to  diabetes, low sperm count, infertility. For Rheumatoid arthritis,  cancers and tumors, the dosage may be higher and should be given for  long term - 6 months to 9 months. 

PEDIATRIC DOSE :- From infancy to 5 year old is 5 mg per day From 5 – 10 years – 10 mg per day From 10 – 16 years – 15 mg per day. 

INDICATION:  Oligospermia, Asthenospermia, Spermatorrhea, Nervous debility,  Tuberculosis, Increases the body strength, Increases Tejas of the body,  Natural Rejuvenator. All Autoimmune disorders, recurrent infections. 

BENEFITS: Effectively  controls Spermatorrhea. Stimulates Spermatogenesis and improves sperm  count. Improves Sperm Motility & Morphology. Enhances Semen Volume.  Increases Libido. Corrects erectile dysfunction. Excellent aphrodisiac.  Increases longevity. Strengthens vital organs of the body. Strengthens  the seven Dhatus. Excellent Immune Modulator They have a shelf life of  100 years.

It is used to successfully combat cancer without  killing live blood cells and also to treat arthritis. It acts on all  organs in the body and improves the overall natural functions in the  body. Especially, it acts on nerves, brain, lungs, mind, heart, blood  vessels, eyes, small intestine, large intestine, ovaries, and testes.  Therefore, it is frequently used for the treatment of diseases of these  organs. 


1. Alterative

2. Antitoxin

3. Immunomodulatory

4. Nootropic

5. Nervine Tonic

6. Neuroprotective

7. Cardioprotective

8. Cardiac tonic

9. Hepatoprotective

10. Antioxidant

11. Adaptogenic

12. Anti-paralytic

13. Anti-rheumatic or Anti-arthritic

14. Anti-inflammatory

15. Antianginal

16. Anti-anxiety

17. Anti arrhythmic

18. Antibacterial

19. Anticancer

20. Anticonvulsant

21. Antidepressant

22. Anti-fungal

23. Antimicrobial

24. Anti-mutagen

25. Antiproliferative

26. Antipsychotic (neuroleptic) 

27. Antipyretic

28. Antitussive

29. Antiulcerogenic

30. Aphrodisiac

31. Demulcent

32. Digestive Stimulant

33. Febrifuge

34. Immunomodulatory

35. Intellect promoting

36. Anti-tubercular

37. Anti-asthmatic

38. Antidote for poisoning

39. General Tonic 

THANGA  GOLD PARPAM is easily available at Asucre Pure Herbals in powder form, tablets and capsule form.  Do let us know your requirements so we can send you our offer for the  same.

Legal Disclaimer: All the products are for  personal use and not for resale. The product description has not been  evaluated by the food & drug administration (FDA). The product is  not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.  Information on this website is not an alternative to medical advice from  your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

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