Canada Has Lynch Mobs Walking the Street - They Attack Innocent People with Wild Claims of Racism

One of my favorite non-bias freelance media journalists was attack today, and since he is independent I am making this post to support him.

BitTube Video of Dan Dicks Being Assaulted by a Lynch Mob Organized at a Black Lives Matter Protest in Vancouver

Since 1917 ... All Failed Examples ... No good use cases ... just why???

Dan Dick's is not racist, he puts in a lot of effort to prevent a bias from appearing in his dialogue. To the point I have had debates about him being a libtard he puts in so much sweat to appear neutral, but that's good on him in his trade and I respect that commitment he has made to journalism.

These desperate psychopaths on the street of Vancouver appear like a vicious lynch mob more interested in violence than any sort of dialogue about Quality of Living pertaining to racism.

I personally will now never be able to support or affiliate myself with Black Lives Matter until the ANTIFA members have been removed with zero chance for them to ever be respected among the ranks of the BLM movement. I am sorry to say this, but Black Lives Matter is weak and phony is ANTIFA could gather any strength in numbers in the hierarchy, within 20 seconds of seeing a communist I would have singled them out and removed them from the organization if I was involved and could only expect the same.

You're illogical if you think a communist can fulfill the roles of responsibility in an organization because their system of believe is counter intuitive to group work that has independent minds among the members, which is a daily occurrence in a developed free country and basically the status quo in north america, sp it could be consider common knowledge that communism cant be applied to north american, or really the common wealth in generals policy.

I am all for the destruction of the frail empires that were established via colonialism but you can fuck yourself if you think violence is the means to revolution, there is logical people on earth and you're an ingrate little twat if you think violence has a place in the developed world I was educated with, you are by all means less than I if you believe violence can help you achieve your dreams.

ANTIFA, dismissed you little bitch cowards, you're lucky your parents are cops and tolerate the civil disobedience, some countries wont let you protest whatsoever, but you degrade our freedoms and responsibility every time you act like a subordinated child in the streets.

P.S. Burn in hell if you're a communist, I don't want it in my life and I have the right to MY SELF RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION in Canada.

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