O Canada, eh?

What do I have to say aboot being Canadian, eh?
I don't know.

I am not talking about board games in this post (well at the end I do).
If you offended by other people's opinions, it sucks to be you, but stop reading here.
If you keep reading and I offend you, am not sorry about it. I am not in control of your emotions and you're choice to be offended is your own.
You've been warned.

Beavers, maple syrup, moose, polar bears, longest ocean coastline in the world, poutine, yeah I don't know.
We apologize if it's not our fault out of habit, not intent.
We still discriminate based on appearance, slander, lie, we whine about our taxes despite them paying for the free health care.
Free health care?
Yes, we can see a doctor for free, receive some level of treatments, but we pay for everything else.

I was born in Canada, I have only lived in Canada, but being Canadian means little to me. It's a title that holds some merit in the world (apparently), but it doesn't matter to me.

If we want to talk about things that are important to me and get more into who I am, let's talk about Jesus the Christ, the risen Messiah, the ultimate Sacrifice, my Saviour, and Saviour of all who choose to follow Him.

I hate religion and believe religious freedom has its flaw. I'm all about faith. According to the Bible, the only "true" religion is taking care of the widows and orphans, yet look how all religions deal with them. James 1:27 -"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
I use biblehub.com and prefer the Webster's Bible Translation, but in this case they all say the same in various forms of English.

I am Christian. I am not part of Christianity. I am not perfect, I do not think I am, I do not act like I am, but I try. I am wrong a lot and I do bad things according to my faith.

I accept other people's faith, I do not trust any religion.
You are Christian, eh? I accept your faith as a Christian, but I do not trust Christianity.
You are Muslim, eh? I accept your faith as a Muslim, but I do not trust Islam.
You are Jewish, eh? I accept your faith as a Jew, but I do not trust Judaism.
You are New Age, eh? I accept your faith as whatever New Age means, but I do not trust "New Age-ism"(?)
You are atheist, eh? Cool. Let's not talk religion together. How you doing?

I know any religious folk will disagree with me, but people of any (or lack of) faith will know what I'm talking about.
Seriously, religion is stupid, corrupt, controlling, manipulative, selfish, exclusive, arrogant, insert many other adjectives here.

So if we have figured I'm not politically correct by now, I'm not politically correct; and I don't care if you have a problem with that.
Canada is supposed to be a country of free speech (and supposedly freedom of religion (not 'from religion'). You want ot be free "from" religion, move to Switzerland or Antarctica. Simple.

In Canada, currently, we have 2 bills on the political table.
Bill 89 which leads Christians to believe that if their 6 year old son comes home from school and wants to start wearing dresses and makeup, they MUST say yes or risk their child being taken away by children services. I wouldn't even let my 6 year old daughter wear makeup outside of Halloween, why the hell would I let my son.
I don't have kids, but I do want a couple at some point.
Seriously, not allowing a young boy to wear makeup and dresses is against their best interest? Screw that!

Although I don't support the LGBTQ+alphabet community, but I do respect all humans as people, even if they don't want o be a person. I do have friends who are L, G, B, Q, A, and P(?)...and during one of our game days we had a discussion about this bill, actually, both of them, but I'll stay on Bill89.
So L, B, A, myself, and a couple others got into the discussion about "a child's best interest."
We concluded, mutually, and unanimously: 16 max.
Makes no sense, eh?
Don't worry, I was going to explain; 16. The legal age, in Ontario Canada, that a teenager can start making their own decisions to move out of the house, get a job, finish school, and live how they want; 16 max.
We all agreed on the "my house/my rules" mindset of most parents, and that 16 is the max Christian parents can tell their children 'no' within a manner to not dissuade their child from making this choice.
"You're 6 years old. As long as you are living with us (mom and dad) you will do what we say. When you are 16, you can then move out of the house and do whatever you want. In the meantime, we will continue to keep you informed of the legal consequences of various choices as well as make you aware of our chosen faith as Christians. You are allowed to choose what you want to believe, but until you are at least 16 and moved out of this house, you must respect our wishes."
Something like that is what we agreed with. Nothing dogmatic, "No you can't because Bible," but we don't have to be supportive either.
Agree or disagree? Oh well.

Bill C-16
Part 1: The intention to add "all" (whatever they are) gender pronouns into the bill of rights (or whatever Canada has).

This I don't care about. If the female attack helicopter doesn't want to be referred to as "she" or "her" I will gladly refer to her as "it". Whatever. If this bill passes, I will simply everything and call everyone "it" because no matter what gender anyone chooses, it doesn't change the fact that they are a thing; a noun; an "it". A person is a noun which means a person can be referred to as "it" legally. Same thing with the "attack helicopter." "It" is also a thing, a noun, therefore an "it". See a simple way around an incriminating law. No jail time or fines for me! YAY!

Part 2: Yeah, the bill also criminalizes not using these pronouns. Jail time and fines because the female over there wants to be referred to as "attack helicopter" and not a person.
Person A: Yeah the attack helicopter just told me that I can't call it her or she.
Person B: Dude, attack helicopters don't speak; you've gone mad.
Person A: Umm, yes it did. It is over there talking with the bisexual tree over there.
Person B: Trees aren't...what? That's some dude and his broad talking.
Attack Helicopter: What did you just say?!? Did you just call me a broad? That is not my preferred gender identity. I'm charging you with discrimination.
Bisexual Tree: Yeah, me too...whatever you identify with!
Person B: Umm, what just happened?
Person A: You're now subject to Bill C-16.

That is a stupid conversation that should NEVER have to happen. Seriously!

Welcome to Canada, eh?
You have no "social" rights unless you are a feminist or part of the LGBT community.

And I'm not getting into feminism more than this.
I believe all people should have all the same rights within their mental and physical ability to have those rights.
If the ditsy blonde chick can meet the requirements of joining the military, then good on her she can handle it.
If the fiery red-head wants to be CEO of a major corporation and she has the required education, required skill set, mental ability, and drive to succeed then good on her. CEO it up.

But don't bitch if your making less money than the guy who's been working the job 15more years than you have. If after 15 years and doing the same workload as he has, if then you are not making the same as he was at 15 years, then you can make a big deal. But being a woman in her first year, calling discrimination against not making as much money as some guy who's been working for that company longer, that's lunacy and go to the looney bin.

But on the other side. If you're a female manager and you're working hard, but the boss gives some guy under you the same rate of pay/salary as you, yet he does significantly less work? Then you can ask about it and call discrimination if your boss doesn't have some bad-ass explanation and acceptable reason for his or her or its decision. Perhaps he/she/it just overlooked the detail because he/she/it is not perfect.

See how ridiculous this all is. I will continue calling people by what they look like. If you look like a dude, you're a dude; if you look like a chick, you're a chick. If you can fool me due to surgeries, etc...good on you, I don't care.

Happy Canada Day!
Time to go teach children how to play board games.

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