The strangest 10 hidden cameras will admire them

Have you ever had the feeling that you are an observer? Yes it is very possible to have someone around you picking up static images or video and you are not feeling through some hidden cameras.

These hidden cameras are small in size to be easy to hide, so they are placed in anything that is used daily in a natural way, such as pens and key chains and we have compiled a list of the strangest hidden cameras that have been made and which will inevitably excite you and make you want to try any of them.

         1- A hidden camera in the toothbrush

Chinese manufacturers have created this hidden camera that looks like a toothbrush in the form of an electric toothbrush. As you can see in the picture, it captures still images and record high quality video and saves it in its 8GB memory.

        2 - hidden camera in the Coca-Cola box

It looks like a regular Coca-Cola tray filled with gaseous water, but it's not at all. It's a Coca-Cola camera that takes pictures and video recordings without anyone questioning it as a hidden camera.

         3- Hidden camera in cigarette pack

If you have young children and want to leave them in day care during your working day, but you want to be assured of them and how they are treated where you left them, you can not afford them. The big companies sold cigarette packs containing a hidden camera to convey fixed images and quality videos And broadcast them on your monitor or TV.

           4. A hidden camera in the shoe

This shoe, which you see in front of you in the picture is a wireless shoe hidden inside a hidden camera, and sells a cell phone with him to display the pictures and videos taken by the hidden camera inside the shoe, and the price of this shoe in the United States to $ 329!

          5- A hidden camera inside a lighter

This camera is used as the lightest hidden camera made to capture photos and record videos in high quality detail. This camera has up to 4GB of storage and can record videos with audio so you can not miss any of the information you want.

           6- A hidden camera inside the handset

This phone is made to detect any minor movement in the room and its owner is not used as a funny toy but will help you keep your safety safe. It has a 30-foot remote sensor.

          7 - Hidden camera in the tissue box

This hidden camera is made to look like a normal tissue box. As you can see, the camera captures images and record videos clearly even in dimly lit places.

          8. Hidden camera inside the belt

No one wants to be a super-secret spy without the right tools. A belt has been provided for this purpose, which contains a hidden camera, which can be suspected of having a presence and filming videos as well as taking pictures. The cost of that belt is $ 300.


          9 - hidden camera inside the kraft

This hidden camera with the image of the craft takes pictures of the people sitting in front of the person wearing it, and that camera has a storage card up to 2 GB and connected to the computer of this person via a USB connection.

         10 - Hidden camera in air freshener bottle

Anyone can expect a hidden camera anywhere but can anyone doubt it is in a bottle of air freshener ?! Yes, this is what Omejo has done with installing a very small hidden camera in the air freshener bottle which can work for 5 hours continuously. I find it amazing and it is hard to guess there is a hidden camera inside that bottle.

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