Best Practices for Implementing IVR in Your Call Center Solution

IVRs have a coherent, focused purpose: self service. They are supposed to let callers handle issues without human interaction as far as possible but that distancing itself can distance customers when it comes to call center customer experiences. IVRs can be like robots: frustratingly dumb unless one thinks of a smarter, artificial intelligence infused IVR that can go beyond being dumb and be more human. The way you can implement IVR also makes a difference. There are ways of doing it right (from customer perspective).

Get an integrated IVR
It may appear that it is cost effective to get an IVR add on or a standalone IVR to complement the IVR. It will more often result in caller frustration than not. If you must offer self service in contact center software then integrate it with the software and CRM. Coupled with AI, this can help to fetch records and send out a personalized greeting for starters and short-circuit the lengthy process of detailing and identification. Importantly, integration means you can and should program the IVR to offer a shortcut to the caller to speak with an agent in the welcome speech recording itself. When an agent does connect, he should have the caller’s ID and details on his screen.

No IVR by default
This may be wishful thinking but for a contact center to offer the right customer experience, try to put IVR to the side when agents are available. IVR may kick in after work hours and used by callers to leave behind a call back option.

Monitor, analyze and restructure
IVR tree and branch structuring is based on assumptions. Monitor frustration levels or satisfaction levels with feedbacks, analyze about which options to retain and which to push to the front or to the back. You then have a lean and mean IVR that customers will actually love to use instead of hating it as usually happens. This again takes you back to the call center solution. It should have these facilities.

Small things matter
Caller may call from any part of the world in any language. It helps to include natural language recognition and language translation features in the interactive solution.

The bigger picture
The voice part of the system is serial in that one option is presented after the other in sequence. The current trend is to go in for visual system where options are parallel or, in other words, the caller can see all the options on his mobile screen. He can directly tap the one he wants instead of navigating the structure. It is IVR heaven and a must have.

Truly interactive
AI chatbots can be part of the Interactive system, making it truly interactive. Imagine the response when a customer calls and converses with an intelligent bot that can even gauge the caller’s mood and get straight to the point. It is like having an agent who will never leave nor ask for a pay rise.


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