Get the hell out of California! (EARTHQUAKE and INSANITY)

To use a Trumpism, California is becoming a "shithole." And already is, to differing degrees, geographically, economically and politically.

You can't deny the natural beauty of California and its vineyards, farmland and coastlines. However, with the incredibly high cost of living, real estate and taxes, and with political "leaders" who are defining new levels of insanity and with massive traffic congestion and transportation problems, it has gone way over the line of what most sane people can tolerate.

In the past few years, there have been many articles, stories, testimonials and Youtube videos, titled something like, "California Exodus," or "Mass Exodus of California Residents."

Its understandable that some people have roots in California, based on family and career positions. But people who are moving to other states are saying things like, "with lower taxes and more-affordable homes, we can save more money and afford some luxuries, such as dining out more often."

One more BIG worry people should have, is the potential for a major earthquake!

In addition to "THE BIG ONE" being OVERDUE, there are a number of other really big concerns, such as fires, flooding, mudslides and the incredibly-disastrous subsidence+depletion of aquifers in the San Joaquin Valley. And we could also talk about the homeless camps and areas where some locations are literally shit holes.

Many scientists are saying that southern California is way overdue for a major earthquake.

Being able to tolerate and afford the taxes and high cost of living is one thing. Experiencing and surviving a major earthquake is quite another. Living in an earthquake zone is putting your life at risk. Even if you're not killed or injured by falling debris or a collapsing bridge, just living near the area of such a disaster will likely change your life.

Some of the possibilities include loss of electric power, loss of other utilities, loss of jobs, loss of restaurants and other businesses that you depend on. At the very least, an earthquake, somewhat nearby your location, could create many inconveniences.

Of course, there are risks anywhere you might live in the United States, but why would anyone want to tolerate the land of high taxes, political insanity and the very real threat of a major earthquake, predicted to be long overdue?

VIDEO BELOW: Seismic increase off California alarms earthquake experts (Length 4:47)

VIDEO BELOW: Southern California overdue for major earthquake, study says (Length4:00)

VIDEO BELOW: The Hayward Fault: Predictable Peril - KQED QUEST (Length: 11:42), Note: Published Oct. 1, 2008, but still relevant... maybe more relevant now than ever before!

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