How to cast a spell - And what calendars we should use in the near future

I heard that one must speak out loud a spell, three times to make it effective.

For example:
Good overcame evil!
Good overcame evil!
Good overcame evil!

I gotta walk the dog!
I gotta walk the dog!
I gotta walk the dog!

Because, I need to manifest another dog. I did it twice before, both of them came for free, with everything in and on it. 'Vaccination', passport, chip, everything. Bonito even came with a bench. He was almost a year old, and he had one toy. You should have seen him when I emptied the huge bag full of Dundy's toys right in front of him: "Is that really all for me???"
And now I made me cry. I kinda digressed too...

Three times. Be creative, cast some good spells. Simply say them out loud.

We, the people, have won this war!
We, the people, have won this war!
We, the people, have won this war!

The war against evil. Universe knows that. And universe provides. Although, I think it's multiversal.

Thanks for reading.
I should add a picture.

Okay, another chapter:
The Gormanian calendar!

I had a conversation about it with @kencode on this page.
From minute 16:30, the video you can see on that page explains the Gormanian calendar. The 13th month he wants to call Gormanuary. I think I got a better idea. I think we should call it after the 13th sign of the Zodiac: Ophiuchus.
So, you better start practicing your pronunciation, because we need a 13 month year with 28 days each. It's only natural. 364 days in a year, and one or two intermission days. This Gorman, or whatever his name may be, ... I forgot how I wanted to finish this sentence.

Anyway, to make a short story long, I don't know his name, but given the fact he wanted to call Ophiuchuary Gormanuary, I think it should be called the Gormanian calendar. He worked it all out perfectly.
And I worked it out in five languages. The 13th month comes after February:
English: Ophiuchuary
Dutch: Ophiuchuari
German: Ophiuchuar
French: Ophiuchuier
Spanish: Ophiuchuero

I know how to pronounce four of those. How Ophiuchuary in English is pronounced is up to the people who speak English. I think Ophiuchus has a different ch-sound than Ophiuchuary. But that's only my opinion, it is of no consequence.

What I wanted to say, personally I was thinking we should use the Mayan calendar. But it's not that simple. The Mayans had two calendars. They had a 365 days calendar, without leap days, so we can't use that. It was connected to a 260 days calendar for woowoo purposes. I still would like to fit in that calendar with the Gormanian calendar, but first we need to figure out for what purposes.
This page taught me a lot about the Mayan calendars.

Okay, well, that's it for now. Thanks for your attention.
When I have more to say, you will hear from me. And of course if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Have a great evening!
Kind regards,


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