Tim Cook from Apple Closed Meeting behind doors with Obama and funding Hillary. How he is front and center in censoring , virtue signaling and Pushing Controlling Measures! A club you're not part of!

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I was doing an article on Tim Cook after I heard about his virtue signaling from a Mark Dice video.

Why do you suppose Tim Cook is front and center speaking out?

They had a delay on This that was to occur yesterday.

If your wondering why I am pointing to the fact there was a Deliberate Delay when here someone died. . . it's because I am!

Here is an article I did showing how one of their players, Comey gave his communications to his Deep State partners through his tweet. ..which when broken down and in looking at the time table. . .makes no sense, except as his little, "secret coded message" to his partners in crime!

See the article here if you haven't seen it and other tells.


Now back to why they might want this delayed. They all work together and this was on the docket for Dec. 5.

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But it says Google! You say. If you join the trolls and schills this is the Perfect place to yell out, "Conspiracy Theorist!"

After all, that is precisely what Tim Cook is doing in order to keep the asleep from seeing these Vital Truths!

Do tech giants work together? Yes, they do. Read on and see a very crucial meeting between Google, AT&T and one important player. . .Barry Soetoro, aka Obama.

Wait a minute. . .ebooks, who is one of the biggest vendors and profiters from ebook?

Yes, Amazon

  • Bezos

  • Owns Washington Post where John Podesta writes Opinion Pieces

  • John Podesta. . .

    • White House Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton

    • White House Staff Security and Deputy Chief of Staff for the Clinton Administration

    • Counselor to President Barack Obama

    • former president, and now Chair and Counselor, of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a think tank in
      Washington, D.C.

    • Chairman for Hillary's campaign

    • Chief Minority Counsel for the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks.

The last one Alone links him to all sorts of crimes perpetuated with the Clinton Crime Cartel, not only in the Patent industry, but various other predatory practices!

There is So much more. Go ahead Patriots and list more in the comments, because we All know this corruptor would produce numerous volumes on the art he collects, circles he runs in, composite drawings of a murder with his lobbyist brother from the Podesta Group. Literal volumes likely have and will be written!

If you haven't seen there art, when you are done here, search podesta art. A real eye opener, but get that bucket ready and be prepared to pray against this active evil!

Here is just a quick screenshot of a google search. You could likely bring them up in the better search engine duckduckgo

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I'll just leave you with this short snippet of John Podesta's brother, Tony.

Tony Podesta

  • By 2015, the Podesta Group was the third largest in Washington D.C. with revenue of approximately $30 million.
    Clients of the firm have included Google, Wells Fargo, General Electric, Boeing and the Washington trade group for the U.S. drug industry.

The firm had a number of foreign governments as clients, including
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
the Republic of Iraq
the government of South Sudan

According to The Wall Street Journal, Podesta's lobbying firm performed well in 2015, because clients believed that he had access to a future Hillary Clinton administration.

In the 2016 presidential election, he raised money for Clinton.

Fundraising records show that over the course of a decade Podesta and his wife Heather donated more to the Democratic Party and its candidates than any other lobbyists.

Light on Darkness!

And finally on going back to how players of tech are connected, remember how Eric Schmidt wrote the email to Cheryl Mills, Counselor and Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton.

remember Mills was deputy White House Counsel for President Bill Clinton, whom she defended during his 1999 impeachment trial.

Eric Schmidt (Previous Exce. Chairman Google) mapped out a plan for Clinton's campaign. You can see the emails to Mills here,


If you haven't seen the article on Mark Parker's art collection, it really is a must see along with the kind of people Tim Cook promotes.

The type of people who support pedophile style art and grotesque themes like cannibalism and death.

See the article here in which Dice's video is found at the end.


I started researching Cook and as one would expect. . .many of these tech people and progressive political leaders are not only tied together; they bolster one another's careers and reach by using their influence both through their success and very enriched monetary means. That's useful if you need to run a country. . .or in this case A World.

What is a great way to remain in control? More restrictions, censoring and oppressive measures which only allow One viewpoint to flourish. THEIR'S. . .the controllers'/globalists' viewpoint

Let's take a quick look at Cook's background.

  • Cook was born in Mobile, Alabama, United States. He was baptized in a Baptist church and grew up in nearby Robertsdale. His father, Donald, was a shipyard worker, and his mother, Geraldine, worked at a pharmacy.

So yet another person who turned rebelled against God and chose the deceiver's path.

  • Cook joined Apple in March 1998 as a senior vice president for worldwide operations, and then served as the Executive Vice President for worldwide sales and operations.

Now That is a Lot of Power!

  • He was made the Chief Executive on August 24, 2011, prior to Jobs' death in October of that year.

  • During his tenure as the Chief Executive, he has advocated for the political reformation of international and domestic surveillance, cybersecurity, corporate taxation, American manufacturing, and environmental preservation.

Why he is such a celebrated hero to entertainers, elitists and globalists,

  • In 2014, Cook became the first Chief Executive of a Fortune 500 company to publicly come out as gay.

  • Cook also serves on the boards of directors of Nike, Inc., the National Football Foundation, and is a trustee of Duke University. In March 2015, he said he planned to donate his entire stock fortune to charity.

We have found that many "charities," basically 501c3's are simply fronts to bring in more tax free money to orchestrate their ploys behind the scenes virtually without Any need for accountability. This is the deceiver's method of free reign and running amuck under the same age old guise of. . ."We're helping you!" God's just trying to keep info from you, you can be like Him or just be your own god!"

Now Where did that lie originate from? You know!

Why in the world is satan relying on the same lie, one might ask?

Because it Works!

Cook's hands, eyes, spirit of censorship front and center for "Cybersecurity!"

  • Alongside Google vice-president Vint Cerf and AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, Cook attended a closed-door summit held by President Barack Obama on August 8, 2013, in regard to government surveillance and the Internet.

Who makes all the Bucks on renewable energy? Who knows where the Free energy is and what is the motivation to keep it out of citizens hands? Follow the Money!

  • In 2013, Cook hired Lisa Jackson, formerly the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, to assist Apple with the development of its renewable energy activities.

  • During the 2008 election cycle, Cook donated to Barack Obama's first White House election.

  • In October 2014, the Alabama Academy of Honor inducted Cook, who spoke about his home state's record of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights. The Academy of Honor is the highest honor Alabama gives its citizens.

Cook clearly is an advocate of censoring, so when will the censoring done by Google/youtube and Apple become part of Amazon? Or is it already?

  • In 2015, Cook donated to Democratic senators Chuck Schumer and Patrick Leahy for their stances on eBook pricing and surveillance reform, respectively.

  • In early March 2016, he donated to the election campaign of Democratic representative Zoe Lofgren of California. In early June, Cook hosted a private fundraiser along with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan, described by Politico as "a joint fundraising committee aimed at helping to elect other House Republicans."

  • In the 2016 election, Cook raised funds for the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. At one point, Clinton's campaign considered Cook as a candidate for vice-president.

Awe, isn't that nice? Guess who else in Silicon Valley, all encompassing tech industry was integral in helping Clinton plan out her election?

You don't suppose they are buddies?

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Here is where Schmidt laid out plans for these connected Tech Giants in working Together!

Notice the Amazon Cloud Services, as this was a screen shot I took, so I can't highlight the text without doing some additional work. Short on time. Remember all their aforementioned Connections to one another!

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A lot to see here including the screenshots and a link to the actual emails. White Hats have it All!


  • In September 2017 at Bloomberg's Global Business Forum, Cook defended the DACA immigration program. He expressed his dissatisfaction with the direction of Donald Trump's administration, stating: "This is unacceptable. This is not who we are as a country. I am personally shocked that there is even a discussion of this.

Guess what we're Not personally shocked about Cook? Your Agenda and reprehensible behavior. We can see who your father is!

More virtue signaling from elitists like Cobert and praise from the entertainment industry!

  • As a result, Cook became the first openly gay CEO on the Fortune 500 list. In September 2015, Cook appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert; when asked about what inspired him to publicly reveal his sexual orientation, he responded, "Where I valued my privacy significantly, I felt that I was valuing it too far above what I could do for other people, so I wanted to tell everyone my truth.

What are your thoughts on all of these people being connected?

Why is it the ones who claim there is collusion, are the ones who are colluding and furthering one another's careers as they virtue signal and point fingers?

Would it have anything to do with them all have Saul Alinsky and his Rules for Radicals as their hero and guidebook?

Please let me know your thoughts, your experience and what you have come across in your research in the comments below. Godspeed! Stay strong and continue to Carry On Fine Patriots!




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