$$ Tricks to SAVE MONEY $$ on cab booking through mobile apps !!

Well !! Cabs through apps are pretty common now.
Don't say you know nothing about it. Can't help you with that. But can help those who already know and use it.
With maturity of their systems cab companies are charging Fare in multiples and usually we are paying whatever they wish.

We can not change what they charge for what route at what time, but we can change the route and the time and I will tell you how to do that to save money on your travels.

  1. Avoid peak time clock.png
    Peak time means peak traffic means peak charges. Avoid it by being early or being late.
    Say be early to airport or be late while coming back from airport but not the opposite. Same is the case at Malls, Stations, Offices etc.

  2. Travel Light backpk.jpg
    Travel light so you can walk a little with your stuff. Why so, will tell you ahead in same post.
    But sometimes this helps you when you leave your cab before traffic, or catch if crossing the traffic on feet. Saves a lot of time and money.

  3. Walk a little
    When you are at some real busy place you find so much crowd and so much demand of cabs. But for any such place there are some places around, always a little less crowded but not remote either.
    This hardly takes 10 minutes of walk. Booking from there the Fare Multiplier is always lesser, making your total journey much cheaper.

  4. Be Smart
    Be smart with more and more information. This is the tricky one and my favorite.
    When you come out of an airport or metro station, what should you look for ? Well I look for the arrivals chart.
    Why ?? Let me explain.
    At arrivals chart of any airport I see the flights recently landed and about to come. I simply look for a slot of free time. A slot which has least flight arriving as compared to usual frequency of airport (obviously comparing with what all I can see on chart at the time).
    And If I find that there are continuous flights landing every 5 minutes and there will be a gap of 15 minutes after 3 flights, I will wait for that time slot. That slot will have least demand of cabs and that is all I need. A little wait and a little calculation saves me significant amount every-time.

Now all you need to do is try these out on every booking and tell me in comment if this helped.

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