To sum up the account of creation, let us say that someone, generally thought to have been Moses, in expounding his idea of how creation came into being, put his thoughts into the form of a story, giving them to the world shrouded, of course, in symbolic language. Let us state this story in our own words and see what we shall have.
God (meaning the supreme Spirit of the universe) was conscious of Himself before ever this world was created. Being thus conscious of Himself as all, and desiring to manifest in form, He did so manifest through the power of His word, which is Law.
God is not only pure Spirit or Intelligence, He is also perfect and immutable Law. God, as pure Spirit, governs the universe through the power of His word. Hence, when He speaks, the Law must obey; the law is mechanical, the word is spontaneous, and God cannot speak a word which contradicts His own nature.
Since God is pure Intelligence and an endless Being, He is always creating something. It is His nature to create, but being all, He must act within Himself. The word of God, spoken within Himself, sets the law, which is also within Himself, in motion. The result is creation. The word is the mould, which, acting through law, produces (page 11) form; as there are many words, so there are many forms, each distinct and each an individualized idea of God.
Since the word of God is permanent, when He speaks, that word is equipped with the power to perpetuate itself, even as the seed has power within itself to reproduce its kind; it does not become another kind, for this would produce confusion and the Divine Mind is never confused.
God made the mechanical universe, the plant and animal life, but this did not satisfy Him, for He wished to create a being who could respond to and understand Him, hence, He must create a being who has real life within himself. He can do this only by imparting His own nature to this being. He must make him in His own image and likeness. Man must be created out of the stuff of Eternity if he is to have real being. Humanity must partake of the nature of divinity if it is to have real life. So God made man from the highest essence of Himself and clothed this subtle essence with definite form.
And God said within Himself, if I wish to have a man who is a real being I must give him self-choice, he must be spontaneous, not automatic. He must have dominion over everything that is of less intelligence than himself. I will let him name everything that I have created and he shall have all things to enjoy, for his life must be full and complete, if he is to express my nature. So God gave man dominion over all earthly things. Man was not given the power to govern the universe but he was given the power to have dominion.
And God, viewing all that He had created, saw that it was good, very good. How could it be otherwise since (page 12) He had created it; how could God, being goodness, see other than good?
The reader may smile at this rather human narrative and think that it makes God a very finite being, but remember, we are putting into human language a story which can really only be imagined.
Again the evolutionist may say that this is all impossible, because man has come up through the unconscious to the conscious. It is just because man has come up through the unconscious to the conscious that these things can be true. Even God could not make a mechanical individuality. Individuality must ever partake of the nature and essence of spontaneity and self-choice, and can be produced only through evolution. But before anything can evolve it must first be involved. Evolution is the way God works. But to the Divine Mind, time, space and sequence, cannot be realities; so God must view His work from the beginning as being complete and perfect.

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