I'm officially on board as Byzbit's co-founder and VP for sales and marketing!

When I've started my journey in the cryptoland, one of my dreams is to become a part of a project's development team. It did came to a reality when a Filipino-based #cryptocurrency project offered me to become their marketing specialist. However, I only lasted 5 months with them due to some huge complications within the project that made me think of going elsewhere.

My long time business colleague and friend from Australia, Daniel Lew, recruited me to become an event coordinator and development team member of MetaMorph Pro decentralised exchange. We had a successful pre-ICO last April 2018 until we decided to self-fund and start developing the product running on the #Ethereum blockchain. Recently, they've released the v2 of their exchange platform and has a new feature called "Token Creation Platform" that would let us create our own tokens as easy as 1, 2, 3!

After spending months educating people about cryptocurrency and #blockchain, I started to attend #Bitcoin, Ethereum and cryptocurrency meetups, conferences and summits locally. I've also joined forces with Vibe PH to conduct crypto educational events in various universities and attending meetups, conferences and summits in Hongkong, Singapore and Taiwan.

One day, one of my contacts whom I met in Cebu last time, proposed to me about being one of the co-founders of Byzbit papermill blockchain project based in Ethiopia. To summarize, after I've met their team members, analyzing the website, papermill site in Ethiopia and their office, I accepted their proposal in becoming one of them.

And finally, here I am!

As a co-founder and vice president for sales and marketing on Byzbit, I'm happy to be part of the team. I never thought that I would be in this position, but I did it. Of course, it will not happen without God. I owe this all to Him and will do whatever takes to use this gift for doing something great in Byzbit, the core team, advisors and the entire community. 

My job is to be on the marketing and sales side. Since I am actively attending blockchain meetups, conferences and summits locally and internationally, as well as hosting crypto massive adoption educational roadshows in the Philippines, I would simply spread the word on how good Byzbit's project is. 

As I care much about the environment, Byzbit's project is green-related, which is a tokenized factory on paper mill running on the Ethereum blockchain. In order for us to reduce environmental pollution and waste, Byzbit is producing paper along with the implementation of blockchain technology that would increase its efficiency and production in creating a wonderful business economy that is in great value. 

To summarize, this project itself would make a real difference in our environment and an absolute game-changer in the green industry. Byzbit's IEO would begin later in October this year. 

For more information about Byzbit, you can check out our official website by clicking here

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