Byteball airdrop for Steemit user

Byteball rewards for steemit users.

Byteball is giving away their undistributed funds for proving your steemit identity. Byteball is ico fundraising platform and it gives you reward based on your steemit reputation. 

The reward is going to divide between two parts one part is instantly usable as it received and other will be locked for one-year smart contract ant.

The reward based on the reputation are:

  • For reputation 30 you get 5$
  • For reputation 40 you get 10$
  • For reputation 50 you get 40$
  • For reputation 60 you get 80$
  • For reputation 70 you get 160$

The steps for receiving airdrop or free token are as below:-

First, you have byteball wallet from the given link below.

Byte ball wallet:

Make sure you single address wallet to get this reward. Click on the setting icon near small expenses wallet.You can select the single address wallet as shown below.


                             (Click on the setting icon)


Then get 50,000 bytes from the steemit user as the donation. Because you have to use the amount you get from the other steemit user to verify pay the transaction fees of the reward. The user sends you the bytes also gets the referral rewards so it is easy to find. 

You can also comment your wallet address below and I will send you the bytes.


                           ( Image Credits :-  @punqtured)

Then click on the chat icon in the corner of the wallet and then click on the bot-store and steem attestation bot.


                        ( Image Credits :-  @punqtured)


                         ( Image Credits :-  @punqtured)

Then you have to verify for a steemit account using steemconnect and follow the instructions given by bots.


                             ( Image Credits :-  @punqtured)

You will get the reward as complete the instruction given by the bots.


                              ( Image Credits :-  @punqtured)

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