Ripple Price Prediction: Ripple can rise on fundamental expansion - Sun Apr 1

According to Brad Garlinghouse, the CEO of Ripple, Ripple is actually providing a fundamental way for the banks and financial institutions to use the blockchain technology.

On March 15, 2018, He further added that this enables the use of the cryptocurrency for institutional purposes as well. As there is a fundamental use, the cryptocurrency will increase in value in the future as well. Also, there are many start-ups which will in the future like to use the ripple protocol in order to develop newer solutions as well. This will certainly increase the number of applications of the cryptocurrency.

App development by Ripple:

Recently, there was an announcement by the company that it is developing a ripple payment app which will enable easier transfers using the Ripple protocol.

Money Tap, as the application will be called will be unveiled by the end of this year.

The CEO of ripple has been time and again trying to nullify any rumors surrounding ripple. He has been trying to induce positivity into Ripple. However, the cryptocurrency seems to be falling consistently. This is the reason why investors are now worried whether there is an underlying value or not.

According to the CEO of Ripple, since there are actual applications of the Ripple protocol, it is not like other cryptocurrencies. It has a fundamental value. Owing to this very reason, he is advocating that in the future, the value of Ripple will rise significantly as well. For now, however, most of the investors are scared that Ripple will continue to fall. Many of the investors have invested in ripple at the higher levels. It is down already by approximately 70% from those higher levels. This is the reason why the investors are stuck in ripple.

With most of the cryptocurrencies seem to be recovering, it remains to be seen whether Ripple is able to break into the green territory or whether it stagnates at the current lower levels. For now, however, even the words of the CEO, are not pacifying the cryptocurrency as it is still in the negative territory and does not seem to be recovering a lot from the low which it created.


What's The Difference Between XRP's Tech And Other Cryptocurrency Assets?

Spot the difference between XRP’s tech and other cryptocurrency assets.

Written on: Mar 12, 2018 - Sometimes, it appears like there is no public support for cryptocurrency networks, but this isn't the case: at least not exactly. It's true that cryptocurrencies come in different forms, but they all share the same logic regarding programming, private key cryptography, and peer-to-peer networking.

So, What Makes XRP Different?

XRP was created in 2012 but has already secured $40 billion in value. Regarding market capitalization, it ranks as the third largest cryptocurrency worldwide. Ripple, the company in charge of its operations, has been able to link up some impressive partnerships for the asset successfully.

New reports have revealed that the asset, XRP, isn't as successful as it appears. Ripple’s other financial products have contributed to its overall value. If you want to benefit from the market, learning as much as you can about the distinction between Ripple’s tech and other products (say Bitcoin and Ethereum) in the market will be helpful.

Although Ethereum, Bitcoin, and XRP trade on public exchanges, the method of operation is different. For starters, the ledger and consensus algorithm isn't the same. XRP as a cryptocurrency runs on the XRP ledger. The difference between this cryptocurrency and others is how the system solves a common challenge. The main problem people face with an algorithm like this is the double-spend problem. Ethereum and Bitcoin solve this problem with the proof of work algorithm. However, XRP solves it with an alternative trust-based system that depends on a segment of nodes to make the ultimate decision.

The segment is referred to as Unique Node List. This system allows the blockchain to cope with a higher throughput of transactions compared to other systems that depend on the proof of work.

The development and governance, supply and token economics, and value proposition techniques all contribute to make XRP a rather exceptional product. Statistics have revealed that it will continue to rise in value as time goes on.


Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse thinks Ripple will be a winner in the longer term

Brad Garlinghouse, who is the CEO of ripple, at March 9, 2018, stated that his company actually has a real application when it comes to the blockchain technology as well as cryptocurrency space. Ripple is trying to build a network of globalized payment systems. With the help of Ripple, companies will be able to send payments anywhere in the world almost instantly.

According to the CEO, ripple has partnership with over 600 different companies. These companies also include prestigious institutions like Bank of England as well as Saudi Central bank. According to him, since there is a real application of Ripple, it will sustain in the longer term. He also mentioned that they will not be victims of the hype. Owing to the real applications, the value of Ripple will sustain.

Moreover, it will appreciate in the future as well. This is the reason why it can survive any kind of crash among the other cryptocurrencies as well.

According to the CEO, Ripple is here to stay. They are trying to build longer term solutions which will enable people to send money anywhere around the world. Moreover, with the increased usage by the banking system, the potential of Ripple will increase significantly.

Also, according to the CEO, Ripple is one of the very few companies which is actually having real money flow through it is a system rather than just the trading money. This is the reason why the CEO believes that Ripple is here to stay over the longer term.

CEO believes that Ripple will sustain any kind of glitches or any kind of downward trend in most of the cryptocurrencies. This will actually help it emerge victorious among the other cryptocurrency. Also, the investors in ripple need not worry about the underlying value of the cryptocurrency. The underlying principle of the cryptocurrency is pretty strong. Owing to this very reason, Ripple is here to stay.

According to the CEO, it is one of the very few cryptocurrencies which is tackling a real problem. This is the reason why many investors are also looking to invest in ripple. Moreover, the number of banks and financial institutions which are starting to use ripple are plenty. This is another reason why the potential uses of Ripple are increasing as well.


Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Talks at Technology Conference

Despite the perception that high-flying startup Ripple is either a blockchain or cryptocurrency company, CEO Brad Garlinghouse believes it’s something simpler and not merely a business trying to latch onto the latest tech buzzwords.

“We are a payments company,” Garlinghouse said on stage Tuesday at a Goldman Sachs technology conference in San Francisco.

He explained that Ripple uses blockchain technology—one of the underlying accounting technologies used for Bitcoin—to record transactions between banks. And he said that his company uses its own XRP cryptocurrency as a payment method to make it easier for banks to move money internationally.

The hope is that major banks will use Ripple’s xCurrent payment software and related XRP crytocurrency instead of the industry standard SWIFT software to transfer money across borders. Unlike some cryptocurrency advocates, Garlinghouse believes the best way to bring cryptocurrency to the mainstream is to “work within the system” as opposed to using cryptocurrency to circumvent government regulation and financial institutions.

“While contrarian and unpopular in the crypto space, in retrospect it’s very smart,” Garlinghouse said.

He compared the proliferation of crytocurrencies like XRP and Bitcoin to the advent of different kinds of databases, rather than “one database to rule them all.’ Most of these digital currencies will die out, he says, because it’s unclear what problem they solve.

He contrasted Bitcoin with XRP by saying that the typical Bitcoin transaction costs users around $13 and takes three to four hours to complete, making Bitcoin ill-suited to solve the payments problem between banks. In contrast, XRP “is about 1,000 times faster than a Bitcoin transaction” and costs “a fraction of a cent.”

For Ripple to grow, it needs large banks to buy its payment software and use its XRP cryptocurrency, a major challenge considering it must convince financial institutions to change how they’ve been doing business for years. The biggest obstacle in convincing banks to use Ripple’s services is that many banks have other IT-related projects that are a greater priority to them than Ripple, Garlinghouse said.

When asked whether the large banks will eventually accept cryptocurrencies, Garlinghouse voiced optimism but gave no specific time frame. He said he discussed the matter with senior executives at unspecified investment funds about trading cryptocurrencies and that it could take more than six months, possibly even later than 2019.

“Despite the prognostication of Jaime Dimon, this is an asset class that I don’t think is going away anytime soon,” Garlinghouse said, referring to the JPMorgan Chase CEO negative comments about Bitcoin earlier this year. Source: Fortune

Who is Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse?

This Harvard M.B.A. has a sterling mainstream tech pedigree: CEO at Hightail (formerly YouSendIt), president of consumer applications at AOL and a senior vice president at Yahoo. As Ripple CEO, Garlinghouse, 47, has a 6.3% stake in Ripple the company — but that's not how he makes our list. Though Ripple controls 61.3 billion XRP, holdings that total $95 billion in value, Ripple's own venture capitalists value the company at only $410 million. Like so many operators on this list, it's his personal stash of XRP coins, confirmed "in the nine figures," that gets him here. Source: Forbes


Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Talks XRP and is ‘Long’ Bitcoin

There are few people who can generate the amount of excitement among the cryptocurrency community as Ripple chief Brad Garlinghouse. In front of a packed house at the Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit for Crypto in New York on Wednesday, Garlinghouse spoke with his former employer about his payments startup Ripple and XRP, the digital coin in which Ripple holds a 61% stake and which advanced a whopping 32,000% in 2017. He also revealed he is long BTC.

Garlinghouse used the forum to announce that payments startup Ripple just signed LianLian, Chain’s No. 4 payments provider, to its blockchain-fueled xCurrent platform for cross-border real-time e-commerce payments.

He expounded on cross-border payments, humorously pointing out that before Ripple’s xCurrent, to get £10,000 from New York to London on the same day, the fastest way would be heading to nearby Newark Airport and flying the money there. “xCurrent enables real-time messaging and settlement between banks,” he said.

Garlinghouse pointed to what he characterized as a “misunderstanding about digital assets” that pervasive today, giving an example from the dot-com era that can be applied to today’s cryptocurrency environment. He recalled how in his earlier days when he worked in telecom, he visited with then-SBC Communications executive Randall Stephenson, who today is at the helm at AT&T.

Back at the turn of the century, Stephenson told Garlinghouse that SBC would never use IP for voice traffic. “The point was, he said they had a robust analog switch network that worked for voice brilliantly” and that they invest in data. Garlinhgouse pointed out that today, there is no voice network at AT&T — it’s all VoIP.

“I think the same thing will happen in banking. People who are invested in us love xCurrent but they’re not sure about xRapid (Ripple’s product for liquidity.) I can hear the echo chamber of Randall Stephenson,” he said, adding he views xRapid as a crawl-walk-run product, pointing to the four current users that include payment providers MoneyGram and Mercury. “I think it’s just the beginning,” he said.

Overall he believes that the Congressional hearing that unfolded earlier this week on regulation and events such as Yahoo’s are signs of maturation within the cryptocurrency market.

“For me, it feels like 1997 and the birth of the internet when I was a young whippersnapper in Silicon Valley,” said Garlinghouse, adding: “Regulators are behaving as they should to make sure we have regulation around KYL and AML. There are reasons for that. If exchanges are trying to circumvent KYC requirements, [regulators] should come in and enforce that.”

Garlinghouse on BTC
Meanwhile, though Garlinghouse is long bitcoin personally, saying he is not of the came that “BTC dies some terrible death.” He doesn’t, however, see it solving the world’s payments problems, saying: “XRP is 1,000 times faster and cheaper than a bitcoin transaction. Are you going to use a fraction of BTC to buy a cup of coffee? It will take hours to complete the transaction. Your coffee’s gonna get cold,” he joked.

Garlinghouse on JPMorgan
Ripple is a payments company that focuses on cross-border transactions, a market that’s largely powered by SWIFT for global banks. But as Garlinghouse points out, only a small number of banks dominate SWIFT and extract billions of dollars of profits from the rest of the banks in the interim.

“Ask why Jamie Dimon is saying things [he said about bitcoin],” said Garlinghouse, pointing to Citi, HSBC and Chase at the top of SWFT. “They are making a lot of money from other banks. We talk to banks, and 99.9% of them want Ripple to be successful because they’re sick of paying these guys,” he said.

Early Innings
In conclusion, Garlinghouse gave his view of the industry, which he says remains in the “adolescent stage.” It’s incredibly important for him and for the success of Ripple for the industry to mature, including media coverage. Meanwhile, he doesn’t view other blockchain startups as competitors.

“A lot of them go after different use cases, like the early days of the internet. Yahoo is not competing with Amazon. The internet needed to grow up. I want all businesses to rise. An important element of a mature industry is a maturation of all aspects of coverage,” he said. Source: CCN


Ripple CEO: Most cryptocurrencies will go to $0

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse, the man behind the hot XRP token, said he expects 'most' cryptocurrencies will eventually go to zero.

Speaking at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference, Garlinghouse said that most coins don't have a value proposition, and are being traded solely on a speculative basis.

He still expects bitcoin, at least, to be around long-term as a store of value.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse may be the man behind the popular cryptocurrency XRP, but that doesn't mean he has faith that every single token will survive.

Speaking to an audience of analysts at the Goldman Sachs' Technology and Internet Conference on Tuesday, Garlinghouse said he believes "most" cryptocurrencies will eventually lose all of their value. In short, he believes that most of these coins are simply not very useful as a transactional currency, meaning there's no reason for them to exist.

"It's not clear what the use case is. It's not clear the what value proposition is," he told the audience. "Long term value will be dictated by the utility of that asset."

XRP, which peaked $3.31 in January before falling to $0.99 at the time of writing, has caught the eye of investors because of its use within the Ripple payments system. Essentially, XRP is a token very specifically intended for doing fast and low-cost international transactions between banks. To Garlinghouse's point, that is the purpose of XRP.

XRP holds the third highest market cap of any cryptocurrency, at $40.1 billion. Still, some have criticized Ripple for holding the majority of XRP in company reserves, thus giving the company more influence over the price of the coin. This is in contrast to bitcoin, where inflation is determined by the rate at which "miners" generate new coins.

Though Garlinghouse's stance may seem rigid for someone whose company has come into prominence thanks to the recent crypto-craze, he hasn't written off all digital currencies.

Garlinghouse gave nod to the idea that bitcoin — which he says is 1000 times slower and more expensive than XRP — will still be used as a store of value, similar to the role that gold has played for . But it won't be used for payments, in his opinion.

"Bitcoin is going to solve a different problem," he said. Source: BusinessInsider


Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Talks About The Reasons For Their Growth And Their Differences With Other Cryptos

Cryptocurrencies have represented a revolution in the world of finances and traditional commercial relations. The blockchain is considered by many analysts (stand-out writers of Forbes and Nasdaq) as the “most important technological advance since the arrival of the internet”. having led the total market cap of cryptocurrencies to a bullish trend much higher than any other financial service or asset available in the market.

However, since the creation of Bitcoin, many cryptocurrencies have been developed, each one adapting its own technology to the standards or philosophies of its developers. But even though they have different approaches and technologies behind them, almost all of them share a similar philosophy: Cryptocurrency is a mechanism that seeks to counteract dependence on traditional payment methods that third parties (such as banking and governments) have to rely on.

And this is what makes Ripple different from the rest. Although it is a software development based on blockchain technology, the truth is that they share very few similarities with other altcoins. In fact, for some people, it could be said that Ripple represents “the opposite” of what cryptocurrencies are. Some see it as the black sheep and question its nature by saying it’s not a “real” cryptocurrency. Some people go as far as saying that Ripple is quite the opposite of the “beautiful vision” that Satoshi Nakamoto had when he created Bitcoin and started the revolution that followed its inception.

Despite the negative opinions, Ripple is proud to sustain its growth in support of true “heavyweights” in the world economy: Business partners ranging from Western Union to SAMA (Central Bank of Saudi Arabia) and the Bank of England. Ripple does not seek to position itself as an alternative to traditional payment systems; on the contrary: it seeks to facilitate mechanisms that improve and facilitate traditional payment systems. And that is where Ripple’s strength lies, according to its CEO.

Earlier this year, during the “Blockchain Connect” conference in San Francisco, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse, took the time to give an interview to Cointelegraph in which he was asked a series of questions related to Ripple’s vision as a company, and his opinion of other cryptos.

He sees Ripple as a purposeful initiative, and while Ripple’s website says they don’t have a Roadmap defined, the vision for the future of what they want to achieve seems to have been the lifeblood of their success.

“There’s a lot of science experiments in the Blockchain space. I think we are still at that starting line of the Blockchain space, overall. But We[Ripple] are the only ones that have actually crossed the starting line. There’s a marathon ahead, and I think we have a long way to go. But it’s clear that Ripple has passed the starting line. And I think there are a lot of people who are still experimenting with trying to figure out their product market fit.”

If you aren’t solving a real problem for real customers, you’re not going to drive velocity and activity in that digital asset (…) For Ripple, that global liquidity problem is measured in the trillions of dollars, I think that people are realizing that Ripple is gaining traction, we’re gaining engagement, we’re gaining more customers. So there’s been interest in that.”

Ripple has been working in that direction, making a series of strategic alliances that have allowed them to consolidate as a blockchain platform oriented towards payment processing between traditional service providers, even though many use their token (XRP) as a means to speculate like any other altcoin.

Earlier this year, Ripple reported an alliance with the Chinese payment service provider Lian-Lian; and then an important strategic agreement was later announced with SAMA. Soon after, Western Union joined the list of companies experimenting with Ripple, and just a few hours ago, Cambridge Global Payments confirmed the use of xRapid, an XRP-based technology solution for processing their payments internationally.

The massive use of Ripple by institutions with so much economic power made its capitalization become very significant, placing its token in the number 3 position of the most important cryptos according to coinmarketcap. It even surpassed Ethereum in importance, but after they removed the indicators of South Korean exchange houses, XRP`s value fell sharply (like that of many altcoins), however, since the last few weeks its value has been rising considerably.

Another aspect that never escapes in an interview or discussion about Ripple is the philosophy that sustains its existence. Faced with this controversial position, Mr. Garlinghouse makes his position very clear without any reservations:

“One thing that is interesting for me at Ripple is that in some ways people viewed Ripple as the contrarian. We were from the beginning really looking at how we work with governments, how we work with banks. And I think some in the crypto community have been very much,”How do we destroy the government. How do we circumvent banks?“

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