
The word 'butterfly' first heard the picture of the colorful winged insects on our head. Their time spent flowing swollen flowers. For a moment to extract the honey, it flies on top of a flower and flew on it.

Difference between butterflies and moths:
A. Butterfly is much more colorful than moth, although many colorful moths are also found.

B. The butterfly is not active in the night and the moth is usually active during the night.IMG_20171129_111432.jpg

C. Moth is usually not in the upper part of the day during the day, due to which the fossils are found.

D. The moth head does not raise the head while rest, but the butterfly keeps its head high.

Butterflies: Names of the house mean nothing to them. They usually sit at the bricks, caves, trees, or bushes until the morning after morning. Due to being in different narrow places, they can not be seen in that timeIMG_20171117_122025.jpg

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