Behind the Camera


Ok start one, two, three. His expression was more open again Flo. Oh come on Florin Angelique you do better "Barry said while holding his camera.
"I try to do my best ok" I started to get annoyed.
"Ok enough! Flo you can rest first, later we continue again alright? "Said Barry getting tired because the shots are not satisfactory.
"Ok" I replied briefly.

Fyuuhh ... exhausting once shooting today. There does not seem to be a decent break for today. Not just today but before this is my routine. Standing elegantly elegant. Stylish with professional style. Exposed to the flash light blinding eyes. Bermake up as thick as an adult. And waddle when on the red carpet.
That's my routine all this time, as long as I'm modeling in one of the most famous magazines in London. It is undeniable that this work is so tiring, but this is my dream since childhood. I used to be a kid when I was a kid. So I'm used to all the make-up makeup on my face.

Almost every day my schedule is very solid. Even in a week sometimes I have to do a full photo shoot. If the weekend maybe I just can rest. Being a model I've been doing since I was 10 years old. I used to go out on the red carpet and meet famous actresses and actors.

"Finish?" Barry asked
"Yes! Let's do it "I say excitedly.
Cekrik! Cekrik! Cekrik!
"Ok that so great honey. Oh my God you look so pretty with your dress. Ok one more baby. Yes! That's it! Give applaus "exclaimed Barry excited, because the shots were successful.
"Done?" I asked casually
"Yes baby good job!" He replied
"Of course. I am! "I replied with a smile and passed.

After the photo shoot I went home to my house. My house is quite far away, but I do not need to bother the road because there is already a loyal driver waiting for me.

Arriving at home. And as usual an atmosphere familiar to me.
"I'm home!" I called
There is silence and no swing.
"Hmm ... as usual" I mumbled.

As usual, this huge and majestic three-story palace-style house is always quiet. There's just me, Mom and Dad. Only the three of us inhabit this house plus the servants in our house.

The clock shows at 11pm. My body feels so tired. I want a warm bath and go to bed. I do not want to be disturbed. I hurried to my room and straightened down on the bed. Ah very comfortable.

It is half an hour I finished with all my dealings. Then get ready for bed waiting for tomorrow. But when I passed the big mirror in my room. I saw my tall, 170cm-high body with clean, smooth white skin. Straight black hair that shines. My body is slim and slim. The face of my nails carried from the turkish breeds is indeed very beautiful. I watched and I was surprised to see a point that is very annoying. Acne!
"Ih spotty. Oops do not like my face so ugly ya. Ouch how ya. I have to get rid of this pimple. My appearance can be messed up if rich gini "I say worried.

Finally I spent about 1 hour just to pay attention to my little acne. Only small acne but very big effect on me.

As usual I always run early to keep my appearance. As I was running small I saw some teenage girls my age coming, there were 3 girls. I stopped and watched them. They ran up to me screaming.
"Kak Flo is kak Flo friend, let's go there" one girl exclaimed.
Before I continued to run they had pulled my hand and handed me a pen and the paper wanted to ask for a signature.
"Kak Flo asked for his signature dong kak" ask one girl followed by the other girl.
"Ah yes for a moment yes" I replied while feeling a little conspicuous.
"On behalf of Rose ya kak" exclaimed her
"Okay," I answered accordingly
"Thank you so much kak Flo. Well it turns out that the man was wrong yes. Many say that Flo's kak model does not like to greet his fans. But apparently it is wrong kak "said the girl named Rose earlier
"Yeah kak, I also just found out if my sister was so good" exclaimed another girl
"Yes, you are welcome. Do you know your name? "I asked
"Oh I'm Rose" answered the tall girl
"If I'm Darla kak" said the short-haired girl with her big eyes
"If I'm Maurice kak" said the wavy haired girl.
"Hay all greetings, I'm Florine. Usually called Flo only. And you do not have to call me kak just call Flo's name so ok "I replied with a smile
"Good kak Flo. Eh Sorry Flo "Darla replied, closing his mouth with his hand.

Meeting the three girls made me feel different. Something strange I feel. Somehow I feel they are a good and sincere child. Seen once how they behaved to me. Although they are my fans, but there is no exaggeration they do.
Like pinching me, then selfie alay, or asking me with a strange question like the usual fans I meet. They just ask for a signature then get acquainted. And there was no exaggeration to me.

Somehow I wanted to be friends with them. I want to know who they are. Thank goodness they told their home address. I know where they live now. Tomorrow I will try to visit ah. I mumbled to myself.
"Okawa Street ... no 112 where is it? Okawa Street, Okawa Street. Well! There he is. Which blue house is it? Ah! That's her "I'm pacing.

Tok! Tok! Tok!
"Hello, Rose? Rose? Hello? Are you at home? "
"Yes, please. Who is it out there with? "
"This is me Rose. Flo! "
"Christy Flo! It's right you're flo. What are you doing here? In my house again! "Rose asked in shock.
"I just want to play it. I'm bored at home. It is okay, right?"
"Of course it's okay. Come on in Flo "invite rose
"Thank you" I replied.

The rose house is very spacious. Typical rustic atmosphere. It has a vast backyard of a house plus an abundance of vineyards. Rose's house was very beautiful. Almost in the corner of the house there must be flowers that pamper the eyes. Very comfortable house. The natural atmosphere is felt here. There is also a small stream with a soothing splash of water. A cute yet cozy home tree. Garden chairs and swings. Decorative grass. And the sunset and sunset views are very beautiful.

This house is so perfect. Very nice. It was half an hour I went around with Rose as he explained everything. I was only able to be amazed by the natural charm of this house.
"Your house is very beautiful Ros. I want to stay here "I say delighted
"Hahaha .. your house is not much more luxurious and magnificent Flo. You know that? "
Indeed, when compared to Flo and Rose house remains more spacious and more thoughtful Flo home. But Flo's house is filled with glamor in accordance with his status as a model. In contrast to Rose's house is beautiful and very adiwiyata.

"By the way, why in your house have any swings. Looks like a small park for small children to play. Do you have a sister? "I asked curiously
"Oh no. It's a swing for a village boy who wants to play here. Anyone can come here especially the village kids here. I'm very open the door for that. I used to play while studying with them. Not only me, but Darla and Maurice too "he answered enthusiastically
"You did that?" I asked incredulously
"Yep, I've been doing that for a long time. This house is spacious but it does not mean not to receive guests for village children. But for anyone can just visit "he replied casually
"Wow ... I envy you. In my house different 24 hours full guarded by 6 bodyguard father. Not yet with security in front of the gate. And some of the servants who took care of it too. So not just anyone can enter. Even if I want to get out I feel difficult myself. In fact it's my own house "I replied
"You can stay here if you want. Darla and Maurice also often stay here. We love opening classes for the village kids on Sundays. So later on Saturday you stay and the morning we open the class for the village boy. I'll introduce them to you. And I'm sure they'll also be happy to meet a model like you, "Rose offered
"I want to. Okay because tomorrow's Sunday I'll be here tonight "I asked
"Okay, sure. I'll call Darla and Maurice "

At night…
"Hay all!" I say
"Hay Flo!" Replied the girl was compact.
"It's ready for tomorrow Flo" Rose asked
"Of course. Even I've learned a little "I replied not to be outdone
Laughter was heard from Darla and Maurice.
"Hey we have to sleep fast. We can wake up later "said Darla who was ready in bed.
"Okay, the queen sleeps," Maurice said.

I can not imagine. It's like not me at all. Even if it is said to have friends or not. So they were my first friend. The first friend who can make good relationship up like this. I became aware of how much things to learn in this world.

"Good morning," Rose exclaimed
"Rose morning" answered the compact village boy.
There are about 16 children who gather. So because there are 4 people who mengampu. Then the group is divided into 4 groups. 1 person has 4 students. Including me anyway.

"Introduce the younger sisters, the name of your sister Florin you can call with kak Flo only" I said kindly.
"Hay kak Flo, I'm Terry"
"I'm Jessie kak"
"I'm Bryan kak. And I like the big brother, "she exclaimed confidently
"I'm Angela kak. I also like sister "exclaimed the last child
"Hay all salam know ya. Sister has memorized with you all. You're Terry, then Jessie, Bryan and Angela. Ok brother already know you all. Ok let's start learning ya "I invite to these adorable children.
"Come on!" They replied in unison.

Classes opened for about 2 hours. I did not think it was tired to be a teacher like this. and from this I also know how much fun it can be to share. In fact I was thinking I wanted to keep this up. Become a teacher, meet children, learn a lot from them. I like finding myself lost. When I became a teacher I was like being myself.

"Ros, I want to keep this up" I say after class
"Of course, why not? Whenever you want, you can come and teach them continuously. I also volunteered at one of the schools in this village "answered Rose.
"I mean I want to be this way all the time. Without having to go back to being a model again. Because I'm tired. Very tired. Everyone thinks that my life is so perfect. Full of glamor. Full of fun and fame. All perfect. But behind that I was very lonely. Even in a week I can not meet my parents at all. I'm tired of being Flo as a model. Indeed my life seems perfect in front of the camera. But behind the cameras I feel the loneliness suggests "terangku with Rose
"Flo if you feel yourself when you're here, then be me as your friend will support you. If you are willing to leave your model world and become a teacher here then the decision is on you Flo. Only you can determine "Rose replied full of support while smiling.

The world of models is a world I love since childhood. But I do not want to be lonely. I do not want to be lonely when I need someone. I want to be myself. I want to be someone who means for many people. I no longer want to live in that luxurious and grand house but lonely in it. I do not want to look in the mirror for hours just to worry about the acne growing on my face. I do not want to look happy in front of the camera but actually miserable behind the camera. I am saddened by my life like this. I want to turn into Flo as it is. No more busy shooting schedules. Thick makeup that sticks to the face. Glamorous and open dress. A sparkling camera flash. Rules in taking style. Swing on the carpet. Maintain full appearance just to look attractive. I do not want it all anymore. I am tired.

And then..
"Both sisters let's learn again. Now we will learn about the mammal animals yes .. "
"Good kak Flo!" The children answered in unison.
And here I am now. Living in the middle of the village children. Teach with wholeheartedness and full dedication to them. I do not need anything else because I already have what I need.

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