What Would I Like To Do in 2019

It has been ten days since my last post.

At the end of the year I made the stupid mistake of asking myself the question of what I wanted to accomplish in 2019.

The answer is simple: What I would love to do in 2019 is to either attend or host a meeting about free market health care.

The problem I face is that I personally do not know anyone who is interested in health care reform and who would be willing to talk to me.

A better way to describe my plight.

I personally do not know anyone with even a slight interest in crypto or blockchain technology.

Attempts to bring up crypto in a conversation leads immediately to rebuke.

If I said the term "crypto" in a conversation with any of the people I know in Salt Lake City, Utah. I would be bowled over with a blast of intense hatred.

Health care reform is the exact same thing. Simply voicing the term "health care reform" causes most people to immediately shut down the conversation.

It is a forbidden topic.

I live in Utah. Utah is run by the LDS Church.

The General Authority of the church have down all of the thinking on this topic. Any additional conversation is forbidden.

I accept that. If I want to talk to other people; I have to leave the state.

The problem I face is I can't figure out how to organization in another state with people I have never met.

I spent eight years trying to find people interested in the topic. People are not allowed to talk about issue.

I can blog about health care reform. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to explore issues in depths on a blog. What I could convey in a ten minute conversation would require ten hours of blogging.

It is really idiotic. I have something extremely important to say about an extremely important topic and because I live in a state run by a regressive church. I am unable to find anyone willing to speak.

I thought about starting a youtube channel. I hate the idea of starting a youtube channel simply based on the fact that I live in an area where people are not allowed to speak with each other.

The closed mindedness of people in the modern world is overwhelming and I feel broken down.

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