Weekly STEEMST Rankings Update - August 13, 2019

Hello everyone, after a week not posting the series, it is time once again to post my weekly steemit journey. Basically it is a weekly post on my rankings on https://steemst.com, namely on reputation, effective SP, and total STEEM. So for last week this was our previous rankings:

Previous weeks rankings and stats:

Rank based on Total Steem: 4875
Rank based on Effective Steem Power: 4273
Rank based on Reputation: 4326

Total Steem: 2,805
Effective Steem Power: 1790
Reputation: 63.36173

This weeks rankings:

Ranked 4887 on Total Steem


As of now I have a total of 2,813 STEEM +8 STEEM, from the previous week, and for this week my rank has decreased 12 places. That was a hard blow.

Ranked 4259 on Effective SP


As of now I have a total of 1798 Effective Steem Power, +8 SP since last week. For this week I went up 14 ranks based on Effective steem right now on the rank 4259.

Ranked 4335 on Reputation


As of now I have 63.38431 Reputation from last weeks 63.36173 reputation an increase of 0.02258 Reputation. For this week on the reputation rankings my rank has declined 9 places now down to 4335.

Analysis and results

Last Weeks Results:

Rank based on Total Steem: 4875
Rank based on Effective Steem Power: 4259
Rank based on Reputation: 4335

Total Steem: 2,805
Effective Steem Power: 1790
Reputation: 63.36173

This Weeks Results:

Rank based on Total Steem: 4875(-12)
Rank based on Effective Steem Power: 4273(+14)
Rank based on Reputation: 4326(-9)

Total Steem: 2,813(+8)
Effective Steem Power: 1798(+8)
Reputation: 63.38431(+0.02258)

1 categories going up, great news!

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