Nature tourism Posong temanggung, seeing the beautiful 7 mountains at sunrise

imageAs the sun begins to emerge, you will see seven peaks at once from above, namely the peaks of Merbabu, Merapi, Telomoyo, Ungaran, Muria, Sumbing, and Sindoro. Therefore, do not forget to bring the camera to capture beautiful moments.

Previously, Temanggung was better known as a tobacco producing place. However, Posong natural tourism is now becoming famous. Ayu revealed, the first tour in Temanggung only swimming pool. He was very happy because Temanggung has a beautiful Posong tourist attractions.

"If the first famous tobacco. now Posong again raised really and Pak Ganjar Pranowo (Governor of Central Java) also facilitate it all, "said Ayu.

In addition to viewing the sunrise, you can try flying fox. The sensation of gliding from above the heights with beautiful mountain scenery, will be very memorable. If you still want to see other Posong beauty, you can even camp. You can enjoy the night by looking at the stars.

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