Robotic Human or Human Robot

This time i decided to talk about a serious matter regarding humanity today. I'm not a scientist, but i don't have to be one to discuss such a sensible matter.


While reading this, i want to ask you to do something... Please clear your mind from the daily activities and schedule. To fully receive my message, you have to focus entirely here. It will only take a few minutes. Stay with me.

My posts are always actual issues or matters and the topic i am choosing today, has been an actual issue recently.

Ok. So, i bet most of you have a clear schedule which runs throughout the week and ends probably in the weekend, or for someone like me it never ends (even on sleeping hours).
I am a father and so taking care of my little baby boy is my duty, my job and should be a pleasure, but it isn't. Don't get me wrong here. But somehow it's true. I was translating the other day, which i do everyday as a freelancer on my second job in order to support my family. I had a deadline to follow but my son wanted to play. Now would you say my deadline was more important? It isn't, right? No matter how robotic i was to follow a strict schedule, emotion is what makes us human, so i had an emotional reaction to my impossibility to assist him in his game (he is 1 years old). I had to watch him saddened and keep on with my work. That wasn't the only case, but it made me reflect. We are working so hard to build robots which would be as human as possible, and reducing our human nature on our daily life, as much as possible.
(my text was not taken from this link or from any other link. I am not the author of the link, which the only reason i shared was to illustrate my content)

Aren't we possibly following the wrong tracks here. Imagine how difficult it is for us to drop what we are doing right now, whether in office for some of you, or on site in my case. I imagine sometimes while in bus, to jump down on the next station, take the bus back to home again and focus on the lives i really care about.
No, i don't blame my job. I don't blame any job for that matters. I blame the system! I mean are we working to live or are we living to work? This is the biggest dilemma of today's humanity.

The sequel's topic will have me talk about the Modern Slavery. Enjoy the rest of the week and if possible, get rid of your junky working time and share more time with your families, friends and loved ones. See you on the next one.

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