Don't Do Business to Make Money

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Money is hacked. Money is supposed to be a reward for value but people can game its nature for a while. However, in due course, money will always obey its true nature. Money will always flow in the direction of value. Ideas, people, values, virtues, these things have more money locked up in them, they have more value than money.

Why do you do business? To make money or to solve a problem?

Everybody wants to make more money. Money is important. We all want to live better lives and have enough to provide for our families and be comfortable and help others. Doing business for the sole purpose of making money is not good enough. If you do business for the sole purpose of making money you may succeed but your success will be plagued with emptiness. Human beings were designed to help each other. There is a part of your soul that longs to make this world better for your neighbor. If your business can be profitable and at the same time solve people’s problem you would be fulfilled. That would be a good success.
If you want good success, if you want lasting wealth then do business that does not only make money but also serve the community.

Any business that is not solving a problem is a pyramid that is standing on its apex. It will crash. Think of the richest people in the world. The most profitable ventures in the world are those that made life better for everyone. These days so many people just don't want to go through the process, they want quick money without work, without adding value, without solving a problem. Beware of such money. It doesn't last.

When doing business, your primary focus should not be to make money. Making money is easy. Every scammer can do that. Your primary focus should be to provide value, to solve a problem, to proffer a solution. When you focus on creating value, the money will come.

This is a what I learned in church today. I learned that when looking for business opportunities, or doing business or whatever, if all you do is make money, very soon people will start running away from you. If you are not providing any real solutions, you are not doing business, you are a rip-off.

I went to church for the weekly bible study. The topic of the bible study was "Soar: Build your Vision from Ground up." It was actually a review of the Classic with the same title by TD Jakes. I enjoyed every minute of the bible study. This post does not exhaust all that was taught in church. The teacher did say something about the fact that making money for the sake of making money is not good enough and that businesses should solve problems. The above write-up is how I interpreted the message in my head. I enjoyed bible study today, I always enjoy church when the topic is centered on business, entrepreneurship or investing. Hehehehe...

I hope to finish reading this book ("Soar: Build your Vision from Ground up.") real soon, It’s a TD Jakes classic for entrepreneurs that wants to soar. There is a lot of wisdom locked up in there.

I took this photograph with my Android phone to show: proof-of-book

Thank you very much.

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