🐝Easy Mini Art Contest #3: 🐝The bees, species in extinction.🐝


Interesting facts about the bee

  • The scientific name of bees is "antiphilous", which means "lover of flowers".
  • Bees are found all over the world except Antarctica.
  • They evolved from the wasps.
  • They feed their larvae with pollen and consume the nectar as energy material
  • Most bees are solitary, but the domestic bee lives in swarms.
  • In the swarms we can find three classes of bee perfectly differentiated: the queen, the workers and the drones.
  • The worker bees are in charge of communicating to the colony where the food is.
  • They can be oriented by means of the sun, by the polarization of the rays of light and by the magnetic field of the earth (surprising!)
  • g94026.jpg

  • The ethologist Karl von Frisch showed that they communicate through "The dance of the bees." If they dance in a circle, they are indicating that the food source is less than 50 meters away, but if they do it in the form of 8, the location It is much further away. If it dances down: it means that it is in the shadow part. If it dances upwards: it expresses that it is in the part of the sun.
  • Many bees have aposematic coloration (announcing to their enemies that they can be harmed by their bite).
  • The queen bee has as its only mission reproduction. It puts 3,000 eggs a day and feeds on honey.
  • The workers not only look after the sources of food but also make wax, take care of the larvae, feed the queen, guard the hive, maintain the proper temperature inside the hive.
  • The drones do nothing more than wait for the queen to decide to copulate. On the day of fertilization, the drones fly behind the queen. She chooses the strongest and then murders him. The remaining drones are captured and killed by the workers.
  • When a new queen bee is born, kill her potential rivals she expels the old queen.
  • To consider

    Albert Einstein said: "When the last bee dies, four years later, the human species will disappear."

    Scientists have noticed that the population of bees has begun to decrease. The exact causes are not known. It talks about viruses, bacteria or the chemicals that farmers use.

    Bees play an important role in the balance of the ecosystem, since in their task of collecting pollen and nectar, they contribute to the pollination of plants that are useful to man.

    Because of this, many agencies and governments have started the campaign to save bees from extinction.

    The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) declared, as of this year, May 20, World Bee Day.


    My art

    To participate in the contest that promotes @jacinta.sevilla, I made a bee next to a glass of honey using the Inkscape drawing editor for its elaboration.

    I build the images by adding one piece at a time. It is a trial and error until it comes close to what I want. It took me two days to make the bee and the glass of honey with the flower.

    Ungrouped parts of the image




    If you want to participate, visit her post to know the rules.

    I used google translation

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