By Being On Steem, You Are Into Technology

Most of the world is not into technology. This is my experience and certainly tells me why many are unaware of what is truly taking place.

I wrote a number of times that politics, economics, and any other ideological belief means little if one omits the technological component. I think this will only become more evident as we move forward.

Firmly imprinted in my memory is the gray hairs in the Senate interviewing Zuckerberg about the games that Facebook was playing. These people had no clue and Zuckerberg knew it. He was able to dance around them simply because they miss the entire premise of what he was doing.



Today I had a conference call for my company that the entire U.S. was on. Again, it should come as no surprise how little people understood and I, supposedly, work for a technology company. Some of the things I write about on here like 3D printing, 5G, and AI are out of the realm of these individuals. At lunch I simply told one of our techs, you won't believe what takes place in the next 5 years.

He looked at me with a clueless gaze in his eyes.

Needless to say, I did not even bring up blockchain or cryptocurrency. This is something that would have totally made their head spin.

I realize that technology is something I followed for more than a decade and it is something that holds my interest. This is not the case with everyone. However, when I look at the Steem community, I see a group of people who are involved in technology simply by default.

We are all utilizing a technology that will be adopted by the masses down the road. Presently, we are the early adopters. It is up to us to weather the ups and downs that come with it. We are also the trailblazers laying the foundation for the future.

One of the greatest attributes to Steem is the knowledge that is shared on here. This is a mecca for information about blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. The information shared on here will make someone very knowledgeable about these topics in a short period of time.

We truly are reliving the days when the Internet was introduced. Those who got involved early and were able to learn about the technology benefited greatly compared to those who learned about it later. Most of the population resisted since we tend not to embrace change.

Being involved with Steem at this point shows we are not resisting. The change is coming as evidenced by the untold numbers of projects that are popping up on blockchain. While everything is not going to be on here in the next few years, we will see a big shift towards blockchain use. As Steemians, we are at the forefront of this.

Ironically, blockchain is what I call a "connecting" technology. Many of the technologies that follow will use or be tied to blockchain. We already see projects like SingularityNet which is putting AI on the blockchain for anyone to use. The Internet of Things, although a generic term that we will go with, will see devices connected to it. Also, transactions that are handled by computers also will operate using cryptocurrency.

As trust for the centralized entities starts to wane, we are offering up an alternative.

The more I see potential disruption taking place, the more I return to the idea that we have a solution for many of the problems that people are going to be faced with. Many of us believe the traditional economic system is going to face a rough time as debt loads and financial engineering prove ineffective over the long term. This opens up the door for what we are developing.

It is an interesting feeling to know there is insight into what is coming in the future on this blockchain. We are seeing people creating what individuals down the road will be using. We are ironing out a lot of the wrinkles but there will come a time when the masses will see what is being offered. Of course, by that time, blockchain will be as much interest as TCP/IP is to people. They will not care. What will catch their attention is what is being offered for them to use.

Ultimately, it comes down to the DApps that are built. This is going to take a fair bit of time. Nevertheless, each day we are learning more about the technologies that will be used in the future. This gives us a huge leg up on everyone else.

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