What is Battery Saver?

What is a Battery Saver?
Battery Saver is an app that controls the uses of apps.
How Standard Battery Saver Works?
The standard battery savers check every minute that which app is running in the background.
Does Battery Saver Good for Phone?
No, it is not good for the phone because it is always running in the background. So, it is consuming more battery power.
Who Should Use Battery Saver?
Rooted android phone user should use battery saver. Because only rooted phone can control the consuming power of a battery.
How to Reduce the Consumption of Battery?

  1. Only use the full brightness of the screen when you are outside.
  2. Use built in battery saver.
  3. Mannually off the wifi, bluetooth when you are not using it.
  4. Keep the screen off timer to 15-30 seconds.
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