BUSY.ORG User Review

No, that's not me. I put a photo of a youngish girl so more people would click on this post. Even though that's not me, that's how I feel after being on Busy.org all day. I'm mostly happy, but a tiny bit frustrated, too. Only a tiny bit though.

I love BUSY.ORG.

Here's why:


I experienced a very strong emotional connection to Busy that I have never experienced on Steemit. I think this is because I value design, aesthetics and human connection more than anything else. All my social needs were satisfied in Busy because of my ability to private message others plus other features. It was like all the different fragmented aspects of myself had become whole again.


When you click on your followed list, avatars pop up instead of plain text. Also, the HOT, TRENDING, ACTIVE, NEW posts are represented by small icons:

These icons and avatars create emotional bonds in humans that plain text is incapable of producing.


I did a test in Busy to understand how the flagging works. There is no flagging, but there are two buttons: Like and Dislike. The Dislike button removes curation rewards and the Like button adds it. As far as I could tell, the Dislike button is anonymous. This means that if someone dislikes your post, thereby reducing your rewards, you cannot tell who did it. I would imagine you could go to the Steem blockchain to find out, but it is not visible on Busy. I have to say, I prefer the way that Busy has decided to deal with the flagging issue. It’s quite good. I love the idea of anonymously reducing someone’s reward. Even if someone can find out, it still feels less aggressive because it doesn’t display prominently on the website.

Update: Disliking a post is not anonymous. You can see it by clicking on Dislike button. Thanks @someonewhoisme.


This is what I've been missing on Steemit that currently exists in Busy:


​I cannot cope on a social network without private messaging. Busy has it. RIP Steemit Chat. I loathed opening up a new chat messaging system. Busy also has a public messaging chat board, too. This will help newbies get their questions answered when they first join. These private and public messaging chat functions are like the oxygen we've been missing. It allows us to get our issues resolved instantly without having to go anywhere else online.



The writing editor is giving me headaches at the moment. This was my third attempt at publishing on it. As you can see the formatting is completely bizarre. I'm fixing this manually in Steemit right now.

The writing editor reminds me of Medium except Medium's editor works very well, and Busy has a ways to go. It seems to get stuck, which forced me to re-write my post several times. There are a few glitches.... For example, after I make my text into Title text, I cannot edit it. I have to revert it back to normal text, then make changes, like adding spaces, etc.

The biggest thing that I think needs fixing is the ability to edit a post after it is published. I edit my posts a lot after I hit the publish button, so not being able to fix an error is quite worrisome. If I was a developer, this would be the first thing I’d fix. Most writers edit frequently, and are embarrassed if they catch an error but cannot fix it in their post.

So, for now, I think I'll be writing my posts in Steemit and then heading over to Busy to interact with others and do my commenting, etc. Until the writing editor gets some upgrades, I'll stick to writing in Steemit.

Here's my profile in Busy:


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