Why I love the first of March

Hello Steemers!

Yesterday was first of March and I was at work. Nevertheless the freezing cold weather outside and the difficulties making it up to the office, the mood was wonderful and everyone were with a smile on their faces. And it is because it is first of March. So what is so special about this day? It is the Martenitsa

Martenitsa is a decoration, made of twisted red and white threads. White is the symbolf of beauty and freedom, red is the symbol of health, love, victory and braveness. It is a tradition in Bulgaria to give Martenitsa to your family, friends and colleagues on the first of March. It is considered that it will bring you health and happiness but only if you give it as a gift to someone else. If you get Martenitsa for yourself the magic will be lost.
The Martenitsa should be worn until you see a blossomed tree or a stork. Than don't throw it away, nor keep it for next year. What you should do is to hang it on a tree, which will bring fertility all year long.

Nowadays there are many variations of Martenitsa.
Most popular Martenitsa is the bracelet type as it is comfortable. Well that is debatable especially when you get about 10-15 on each wrist.

You can also see some people wearing a necklace Martenitsa..

..others - just hang them on their jackets..

..or use it as a home decoration..

Legend about Martenitsa

Khan Kubrat had five sons and one beautiful daughter – Huba. Shortly before his death he asked his children for 3 simple things: to care for each other, always stay together and protect Bulgaria. Not long after Khan Kubrat’s death the five sons have forgotten about the wise advice of their father. They were defeated in a furious battle against the Hunshire leader Han Ashina.
After the battle Han Ashina carried away their possessions and captured Hubba. But the brothers did not give up. They started to look for new land, which brought hope to Hubba. For long time she was waiting for news from her brothers. In the beginning of the spring the lonely sister finally received a letter from Asparuh, brought by a falcon. In the letter Asparuh reported that he had found a paradise to the south of the Danube River and would settle there.
Hubba tied a white thread on the leg of the falcon then both managed to escape. They headed down to the new lands that Asparuh had found. After a long journey they finally arrived but at that moment an enemy arrow pierced the bird and her blood stained the thread.

Huba told her brother what happened with the falcon. Astonished by the story Asparuh gave everyone white and red thread and told them: “This silk thread is the symbol of our connection, connection that should never be interrupted. It will keep us healthy, it will keep us strong, cheerful and happy because we are BULGARIANS!”
The day was first of March and the year was 681.
Since Asparuh found the first Bulgarian country in 681 the white and red thread is the link that connects all Bulgarians around the world.

Thanks for reading!

Cheers :)

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