United Nations Day

Today's UN Day 24th October.

The 20th century witnessed the two devastating world wars. The League of Nations was established after the first world war. The main function and object of the league of nations was to establish peace and security in the world. The League of Nations failed to achieve its objective it is sufficient to note that the second world war was the ample proof of the utter failure of the league of nations to establish peace in the world.
The Second World War compelled the nations of the world endeavour to establish an international organisation so that mutual disputes could be resolved peacefully and peace and security could be established in the world. Consequently, even war was going on the great powers of the world has start making their efforts in this direction.
They are untiring efforts lead to holding of the San Francisco conference on January 26,1945 wherein the united nations charter was adopted and signed by 51 nations of the world.
However the United Nations charter did not come into force immediately because it was necessary to have been ratified by the prescribed number of nations. On October 24,1945 the united nations was ultimately established.

Historical background birth of UN

1.Declaration of ST James Palace (1941)-

London had become the home of nine exiled governments.


UK and other exiled governments expressed their desire for peace.

2. The Atlantic Charter (1941)-

To evict:
            a. Nazism
            b. Principles of equality etc.

Churchill and Roosevelt met in a aircraft carrier in the middle of the Atlantic.

3. Tehran Conference -

Three leaders (UK,USSR,USA) felt the urge to establish. An International Organization to maintain international peace and security.

4. Dumbarton Oaks Conference (1944)-

Britain,China,Russia and America finally gave their approval that the proposed organisation should be name "The United Nations". The organisation was to be based on sovereign equality of all peace loving states.

Purposes of United Nations:

The purposes of the United Nations are enshrined in article 1 of the charter.

  1. To maintain international peace and security.
  2. To develop friendly relations among nations.

Principles of the United Nations:

Article 2 of the United Nations provides that the organisation and its members in pursuit of the purposes enshrined in article 1,

  1. The principle of the sovereign equality of all members.
  2. All member shall faithful the obligations in accordance with the present charter.
  3. Peaceful settlement of international dispute.
  4. Principles of nonintervention.
  5. All members shall give the United Nations every assistance in common action in takes.
  6. UN shall ensure that the non member state shall follow the principles of the UN so far as may be necessary.
  7. Non intervention in domestic matters of state.

Today, the United Nations was formed to maintain peace in the world and provide security in the United Nations.
In all the countries where the war was going on, the United Nations has made peace by stopping the war and fighting with every country.
The United Nations is keeping its objectives well, we should help all of us to help the United Nations as much as possible and to make the United Nations more advanced.

So,again Happy Birthday United Nations.

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