Evidence of history forgotten by the Indonesian government (Nyak Sandang -Blacking Contributor of Garuda Indonesia Aircraft)

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Nyak Sandang dimonumen replika pesawat Seulawah R-001

Nyak clothing This 91-year-old man is a resident of Gampong Lhuet, Jaya Sub-district, Aceh Jaya District. he is one of the many people of Aceh who participated donated money and jewelry for the purchase of aircraft republic Indonesia in 1948.Nyak clothing became part of a living witness who still retains history and memories as he contributed money for the purchase of the first Indonesian airplane, named Seulawah R-001 and R-002. This aircraft is the embryo of Garuda Indonesia airline.


Nyak Sandang holds bonds.

Long time ago Nyak Sandang still teenagers and unmarried 23-year-old. Together with his parents contributed money as much as Rp 100 from the sale of land to help the struggle of the republic of Indonesia.Nyak Sandang which by the surrounding community was greeted by my father's call, which until now still keeps tidy proof of documents in the form of bonds or debt certificates issued by the Indonesian government issued in 1950. The donation of capital purchases of the aircraft will be returned along with the awarding of prizes within 40 years However, up to 72 years of Indonesian independence, Nyak Sandang has never received state debt payments and other assistance from either party either from the government of Indonesia or from the garuda Indonesia masakapai party.
Despite having donated some of his wealth during that time, Nyak Sandang admitted to not seeming to expect any reply. He and the entire community of Lamno provide assistance with sincerity and pride. This is the form of Acehnese people's sincerity towards the government, and is a historical evidence that will never be forgotten by aceh.dan people it is appropriate for the government to pay attention to the particular and especially of all aceh community generally.


History has noted that the colonial occupation of the Netherlands, the people of Aceh known persistent against invaders. This popular resistance lasted for about 350 years.
People are willing to sacrifice anything, including even life in order to defend the motherland. These freedom fighters then we know as the heroes of the nation whose services we remember until now.Setelah Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed the independence of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, the struggle and sacrifice of the people also never stop and infinite value in maintaining the sovereignty of NKRI. All the people throughout the archipelago at that time agreed to unite to maintain the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition to being known for persisting in war and never submission to the Netherlands, the people of Aceh also contributed property to buy a plane for Indonesia in 1948.

Presiden Jokowi menerima kunjungan Nyak Sandang di Istana Jakarta

After viral in various media about nyidak as a contributor and bond holders, finally the head of state Mr. Ir.Joko widodo receive special nyak clothing in the state palace of Jakarta. in the meeting Nyak clothing accompanied by his two sons and he conveyed three requests to the President of the republican father of Indonesia is the first beilau (nyak clothing) requested that the cataract surgery and father undertakes and instruct the staff to tomorrow nyak directly diperikasa health, both ask in order to build a mosque in his village and a third in order to depart the holy ground and the president will coordinate with the minister of religion concerning the hajj wage but the president offers Umroh while waiting for the schedule of hajj departure.


Finally, the government invited one of the donors to the state palace. and this is a form of government appreciation to the perpetrators of history. However, history must always be preserved and maintained so that our children and grandchildren always honor the services of the heroes.


Thus the historical description of the clothing and persistence of aceh people in fighting for independence of the republic of Indonesia and the history of the embryo airline Garuda Indonesia.

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