Bit coin rise


날씨가 엄청더운데 뜻밖에도 좋은소식이 들린다. 암호화폐을 좋아하는 우리모두의 소원이며 희망일수도...
경기는 침체이고 회사는 어려워서 년차을써서 일주일휴가을주네요.엉엉슬프네요.
가상화폐가 쭈~욱 올라가서 우리의 생활에 보탬이되었으면하는바람입니다
The weather is very hot and I hear good news unexpectedly. The likes of password money are our wishes and wishes ...
The economy is slow and the company is hard, so I spend a week 's vacation using the year.
I hope that virtual money will rise up and contribute to our lives
I also like foreign friends who follow me.

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