The Power of Your Tongue: Do You Encourage Life or Death?

I feel so said inside of me when i see people spending a lot of dollars in their friends/family burial ceremony and i always ask myself where have you been while was still alive and needed that funds to support his/her health?

So many people don't know how powerful ENCOURAGEMENT is because there have never tested a part of it,STEEMIT is a big example of a plat ,form that needs encouragement because i see most of the wales over here up-voting them selfs ,but there don't know how important that little push can help out.

It will not cost you your health or life if you give a helping hand to that someone who really needs it,although the world have turn into something else but don't stop giving, and keep encouraging others because no matter where you are today don't forget you cant be with your kids till eternity,them too will surely ask for help.

I have seen people who vowed not to help others again maybe because of their past experience or something else,please no matter what don't ever stop giving because no matter how small it might look it will surely go a long way in that persons life.keep living ,i love you all.

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