Gubernur DKI is the best


Kinerja Anis Baswedan sebagai kader HMI dan juga menjabat sebagai gubernur DKI Jakarta, kini sudah 100 hari masa DKI Jakarta di pimpin ya, yg dulu banyak nya kendaraan dan macet total ,sekarang sudah beruba 100 persen ,sudah ditata rapi oleh gubernur DKI yg juga mantan rektor universitas di Jakarta.

Kinerja Anis Baswedan sangatlah memuaskan kata seorang warga tanah Abang , dia merasa sangat berterima atas kinerja pemerintah sekarang, walaupun masih banyak yg Belum di lakukan oleh gubernur yg berwajah ganteng itu kata seorang warga tanah Abang.

Anis Baswedan akan terus melakukan peninjauan terhadap kondisi Jakarta saat ini, dan semuanya akan di benahi, dengan semaksimal mungkin. Saat ini pembenahan di lakukan di tanah Bg , karna pusat pencaharian masyarakat banyak di sana.

Dan insyaallah jkt menjadi rumah orang Indonesia, Tampa macet dan terus di lakukan perbaikan perbaikan yg memuaskan masyarakat, kita dari masyarakat dan bekerja untuk rakyat kata Anis Baswedan selaku mantan aktivis HMI.

Performance Anis Baswedan as a cadre of HMI and also serves as governor of DKI Jakarta, now has 100 days of DKI Jakarta in the lead yes, which once many vehicles and total traffic jams, now has been housed, was laid out neatly by the governor of DKI who is also a former university rector at Jakarta.

Anis Baswedan's performance is very satisfactory, said a resident of Abang land, he feels very grateful for the performance of the current government, although there are still many Belem done by the handsome governor, said a resident of Abang land.

Anis Baswedan will continue to review the condition of Jakarta today, and everything will be fixed, to the maximum extent possible. Currently the reform is done in Bg land, because there are many community livelihoods there.

And insyaallah jkt become the home of the people of Indonesia, Tampa stuck and continue to do repair repairs that satisfy the community, we are from the community and work for the people said Anis Baswedan as a former activist HMI.

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