Easily and Effortlessly Maximize Your Personal Creativity In Less Than A Nanosecond!!


Yes, it is a very bold claim, and one which has been backed up by years of personal experience observing different clients and their deeply enlightening awakenings! You see, people repeatedly get stuck in patterns of behaviour over and over again like clockwork and they're left wondering how to get out out of their personal rut.

The Simple Answer

As with a lot of things in life; the answer may be even simpler than we had thought. In fact, what I'm about to share with you, goes even deeper than that, because; the 'problem' already has the solution built in! What I mean by that is this; because the so called problem is repeatable then it is a learned process which can be successfully used. So, the success of the process or state creation, is so refined and efficient already, we can simply use that towards a more desirable end.


A Fun Thought Experiment

The best way to understand this is with some interaction and involvement, so here's a very easy thought experiment you may surprise yourself with...

First, think of a person who you really love or admire. Second, now think of something or someone you do not like. Got it? Two different pictures in your mind? OK, let's have a deep look at exactly what makes up these pictures, and see how much of a benefit we can gain from something we are already doing.

Go back to your good pic and have a look to see if this pic is in colour or black and white? Now have a look at the not so good pic and do the same; is it in colour or not? There'll be a difference. Of course we are all wired differently, but I'll use an example of someone who has lots of colour in their good pic and conversly, their not so good pic is in black and white. Now, all you have to do is exchange the colour from one picture into the other.

Back to the example...the person with a good colourful pic can now simply put as much colour into the bad pick and then see how they feel. Any difference? Then they could take their good pic and make it black and white. You see, it's the difference that makes it different! It isn't the person or thing in the pic that may make you feel a certain way. But noticing the difference between the two, in other more useful ways, has proved very beneficial to hundreds, if not thousands of people who took their time to observe or stalk their own self or thoughts.

So, to recap: have a good pic and observe the colour or lack thereof, then see a bad pic and notice the colour or lack with that pic. Now, this is a very shortened version of something I have done with many clients, and the longer, more in depth version of this thought experiment would also include other differences, like:~

  • Sound
  • Proximity
  • Feelings
  • Direction

Boosting Your Creativity

If we were to put it into the context of having writer's block here on Steemit, we could simply observe the picture we have in our mind of what it is like to have that block. If it's something important you want to understand, then you'll really look and take your time. Remember; this is an investment in yourself. Secondly; reference against a picture of something you are really good at and love to do. Really have a look and find out what differences are there and interchange these different qualities between these pics.

Do not be put off by the simplicity of this experiment into how you do what you do. It works because we are already using it, but now we are indeed; looking at it in a different way.

Please feel free to have fun with this experiment and include the other details (sounds etc.) into your observations and let me know in the comments if you have ever tried this before and how amazed you might be at the results if you are about to now do it for the first of possibly many times.

All the best to you,


Here are some of my most recent eyeball soothing posts which you may or may not find irresistibly and outrageously enjoyable towards your further enlightenment...

Who Are You?
Confessions Of A Minnow
The Music Plays Itself
Shocking Accuracy Of Guessing

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