After Getting a 'Bite of Love', this woman is paralyzed, recognize the danger that can cause death
Some of the bodies of a New Zealand citizen woman suffer temporary paralysis due to a "love bite" or a hick at the nape of a couple in love.

Thus disclosed some doctors in New Zealand Medical Journal, March 2017.

In the journal, doctors said, the 44-year-old woman came to the emergency department at Middlemore Hospital in Auckland, last year.

He lost motion in his left arm while watching television.

The doctors concluded the woman had a mild stroke.

However, doctors could not find the cause until they found a small vertical bruise on the nape of the woman near the large veins.

Apparently, it was the "love bite" or "hickey" that he "received" a few days earlier.

"Because it is a` love bite ', there must be a lot of suction, "said one of the treating doctors, Teddy Wu, to the Christchurch Press.

"Due to the physical trauma it causes, there is a slight bruise on the inside of the vein.There is a blood clot in the veins below wherehickey is done. "

Danger of kiss on the neck

Wu said the blood clot slipped off and moved to the woman's heart, where the frozen blood resulted in a mild stroke that made her lose her arm powers.

"We are looking for medical records and examples of the effects of love bites that have resulted in something like that never been described before," he said.

Medical officials said the woman had recovered after being treated with anti-blood clotting drugs.

Seizures and dies

Quoted from the Independent, a teenager named Julio Macias Gonzalez (17) suffered a seizure at dinner with his family in Mexico City.

Local media reported he was convulsed after having spent time with his 24-year-old lover.

His family was panicked and immediately called emergency services. Nahas adolescents that trigger died.

According to media reports in Mexico, doctors suspect that he died due to hickey or 'love bite' in the neck of his lover.

The bite results in a blood clot, causing blood flow to the brain to become noncurrent and cause a stroke.

The boy's parents blame his girlfriend for death, and the age of the incident that his son's boyfriend disappeared.

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