Every culture and tradition have its own way of helping the younger generation understand culture and practices. Nigeria for one is a country with diverse language and people but in between our differences are also our uniqueness. It is almost the norm that some practices are just naturally common between these different tribes.

Everyman today was once a baby and needed correction and chastisement. One major thing the African culture never joke with is discipline, teaching either by words or rods in other to make a child behave well. There are several methods to achieve this. They either punish an erring child or beat the child. These days, having other cultural impacts such from America and other countries in Europe has opened the eyes of some Nigerians to better ways of punishing the child but nevertheless, parents still believe strongly in the old way of doing this. Some of the methods used are :

  • Spank at the back which is called "Abara" more like it originated from the Yoruba culture
  • Pick needle which is where you point and finger to the ground and one leg standing with your back bent - meaning you are balancing your entire body on just one leg and a finger
  • The slap

Of all these, the slap is still the most effective. It's like an automatic reset button that just fixes you the moment the hand lands on your cheek.

It has this sound that accompanies it and just goes off quietly. After the sound comes the pain. My experience was quite interesting having a very stubborn younger brother, I fear him not hearing again after all those slaps, but it's funny because such slaps are like magic reset and also magically heals the victim.

Who else think the African slap is still the best approach to reset a child to normalcy?


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