Kindness and Appreciation can make life easier for you


Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days

Ecclesiastes 11:1 KJV

The lifestyle of kindness and appreciation can make your life become more fun and enjoyable than you can ever imagine.

The acts of kindness and showing appreciation for other people's kind acts to you can also be described as "casting your bread upon many waters."

Now, I am not saying you should always seek for a payback each time you do someone a favour. All I am emphasizing on is that, every act of kindness is a seed sown that will surely germinate. It may not come back in the shape or form you expected, but it shall surely come back to you.

Just recently I met two people I did a favour in the time past and guess what? They gave me much more than I ever dreamed of without me asking for it. It does not mean everyone I had ever helped did same, but these two came at the time I needed such favour the most. They just made my endeavor in that aspect stress-free.

When I was helping them I never knew life will bring us together again and switch the positions.


Furthermore, appreciating other people's kind acts to me has made them love me and even do more than I expected. Actually, appreciation is the bedrock of multiplication. Anything you appreciate tends to increase.

Even when we don't demand it, we all love it when people show they appreciate our kind acts. Learn to appreciate every act of kindness towards you no matter how small it seems.

Kindness and Appreciation will lead you to heights you never expected. These two virtues will open doors to more favourable opportunities for you.

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