Busy AF

Screenshot 2017-12-23 at 1.56.59 AM.png

Just a quick update post letting you all know what's the haps. I may end up being quite a bit less active on here, at least for the next few days. Not only due to the holidays, but because every one of the people who regularly commission me for voice work decided to contact me all at once.

Now, of course, this isn't a problem in of itself, I love me some work and love the work I do, especially since the jobs I have currently pay me somewhat adequately, unlike many of the projects I accept. It just means I'll be exceedingly busy, and may not have very much time to post high-quality blog posts that steemians seem to love so much (I mean look at this one- I reused an illustration I made for one of my stories because I just finished my work for today and couldn't be arsed).

In fact, I recently found out that, apparently, Google has finally started listing all the things I've done and considers me somewhat important enough to prominently feature me on their front page. I learned about this from a relative, but the third result on the front page when typing in my name immediately brings up one of the higher-profile projects I've been a part of, and at least 75 percent of the rest of the results in the first few pages lists either my social media pages, other works I've done, or my bio on either Amazon or Silverton Audio.

This is huge. This means that not only did my SEO shoot through the roof, but that because my name is associated with each of these projects, naturally, my other projects not connected to my audiobooks will start greeting more eyeballs, which in turn will lead to organic traffic and, with organic traffic, hopefully, some book sales and audiobook sales.

And, finally, to finish off the news sandwich, I have a bit of not as good news, as well...The Candyman Segment 1 (tentatively titled "Arrival") is at its halfway point. Tensions are running high, the story is (hopefully) getting more and more interesting, and...

I haven't written segement 2 yet.

I have plenty of ideas written down, and some scenes even plotted out meticulously, but the first draft hasn't even been written yet.

So I have a few options here. I can finish planning it out and take much, much longer with each part once segment 1 is finished, or I can do something I haven't really done much since Creepypasta Wiki days and just one-shot seat-of-the-pants it and edit it as I go along. The former is more practical, the latter is more flavorful (as well as more pulpy- authors would pump stories out very quickly like this to keep up with magazine publications).

Let me know what you think sounds better in the comments, and I'll see you when all this craziness dies down a bit!

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