I explain how public transport O / P is the big problem to solve or solve by the government, a complex issue, because any solution would be in the medium term, because it does not have the financial resources, specialized personnel and, with talent and expertise in analysis and planning in the matter.


It is very simple to buy units in a country and / or assemble an assembly plant. It was shown that nothing is resolved. Point aside: Here there are excellent car manufacturers, who dominate a very appreciable part of the local market for a long time; chassis, and tropicalized engines. Then why is not ours protected, which works very well.

Why all this has happened; simply because the government with sufficient time was not dedicated with attention to solve all the problems of public transport O / P, that is, a study or analysis of the problem was not made and, logically, there was no later how to plan and elaborate a national project .

Special Note: I use the verb "extinguish" because it is the feeling that I have of this government, a flame that is consumed with so many errors ... The last: The neglect of the matter public transport O / P.

Of the mistakes made

In the first place, when I say government, I also mean the entire structure of the State.

I will take as an example the Bolivarian Libertador Municipality, and a dependency like the Insetra in the public transport branch: What have you done to improve the public transport service in the Caracas area? How do the systems and / or administrative applications work for the control of lines and routes? Do you have qualified personnel for all the inherent activities? eye! University professionals are not necessarily qualified; It has to be specialized personnel in the field, expertise, I already said it!

The government in its structure, integral, has been very deficient at the national level. Logically, there are exceptions and mayorships (or governorates) that have twenty points in the matter of public transport, but they are few; There are city halls that do not understand with the subject.

I have said in my previous work that public transport must be municipalized; that is, that this is the integral competence of the mayors' offices; and it requires a qualified staff for that work. Then, you have to have a training plan in all areas and / or stages of public transportation; besides administrative applications (software) for control and / or supervision.

Only transport for tourist and recreational activities or special cases such as schools, universities and other entities could be under the responsibility of non-municipal personnel.

From the passage

I left this subtitle to treat it especially, since the passage and the abuse committed by the drivers (not all because there are honest) of the units could trigger some unexpected events. The things that are discussed in any queue are incredible, to the point that there are users who are practically working now! to pay only the ticket. People who live in the so-called dormitory cities, who have to pay two or more daily passages to get to their work, and then if they are lucky enough to get home. Other people who live in Caracas, but who spend up to four or more daily passages; and now with the modality of "pirate" drivers; the issue of gasoline shortages; and at any time it could happen with diesel. I ask in the case of Caracas: What is the use of the Insetra in the public transport branch? Will it be another red elephant like the Sundde? Or useless things like the Clap, Rabbit Plan or urban agriculture.

Of the serious problem that the government of President Maduro has

The problem of public transport O / P could cause an uncontrollable situation for the government and its death.

Citizen President Maduro, you must be alert and try by all means to give priority to this matter, and unless you put a palliative urgently at least.

Speak frankly with the sovereign people and humbly ask for their help. People have creativity and ingenuity, use it! But nothing with improvised. That's all for now...

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