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The Gotti Diet

If Frank Gotti can transform himself from obese to fit, so can you. Or so promises The Gotti Diet. Heartthrob Frank Gotti Agnello from TV's "Growing up Gotti" has enlisted the help of his doctor, his lacrosse coach, and his mother to write a diet book. His plan for diet end exercise is similar to the one he followed, leading to his 80-pound weight loss and transformation from pudgy youngster to lean and strong teenager.

There are no extreme guidelines or structured meal plans, only suggestions to limit certain foods and to exercise. The list of foods to avoid is reasonable and deters you from eating refined grains and sweets, while still allowing for some flexibility - Gotti admits he "couldn't live without pasta."

Young Gotti designed a Seven-Step Plan to help him start looking and feeling better for his upcoming television show. These steps cover exercise advice, tips for managing food choices, and suggestions on how to control portions for everything from mom's home cooking to fast food.

What makes The Gotti Diet different?

This diet is written by a teenage boy, a reality TV show personality. The recommended guidelines speak to a teen audience. Gotti takes an overall approach: cut out junk food, watch portion sizes, and exercise to look good. And speaking of looking good, Frank Gotti recommends his top grooming products.

What is The Gotti Diet?

After learning that he was a morbidly obese adolescent who was at risk for an adulthood of disease and ill health, Gotti decided to change his lifestyle with the following steps:

Step One: Acknowledge you've got a weight problem. Get motivated to look and feel better about yourself.

Step Two: Ask for help and support. Ask your friends and family for their support in helping you take better care of yourself. For example, ask your brother to yell at you the next time you order french fries.

Step Three: Make the mind-body connection. Separate your self worth from your body image, and appreciate that weight loss takes time and effort. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Step Four: Examine your eating habits. Keep a food diary for at least a week to best determine what, when, where, and why you eat. The book provides information about carbohydrates, fats, and proteins with tips about how they should be incorporated into daily eating regimens. You'll learn to limit portion sizes and to not give in to peer pressure when making food choices. Using the USDA food guide pyramid, the plan encourages you to eat healthy carbs, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, healthy fats, and limited sweets.

Step Five: Learn to make better food choices. Tips for eating out include ordering off the appetizer menu so that you eat smaller portions, saying no to the bread basket, choosing grilled or broiled dishes, and avoiding creamy sauces and salad dressings. The diet also offers other helpful hints such as substituting lower fat choices and telling the waiter that you have a food allergy to ensure that you get what you asked for. Gotti says this isn't lying because dieters should be allergic to high-fat foods. There are additional suggestions for healthier choices for American, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, and of course, Italian cuisines.

Step Six: Get to the heart of weight loss and exercise.

Step Seven: Lift extra pounds, don't gain them. Add cardiovascular exercise as well as weight lifting routines.

The plan also includes tips on cooking and food safety guidelines for hand washing and proper food handling techniques. Mama Gotti, who may be to blame for him eating so much junk when he was younger, explains how her son's plan has now helped the whole family.

What are the weight loss expectations?

This diet promises no specific weight loss results. The plan reminds you that you didn't gain the weight overnight - and you won't lose it overnight.

Is exercise promoted?

Exercise is a vital component of this plan. Increase any enjoyable activities and spend less time in front of the TV. Work out with a friend to stay motivated. Gotti insists that school physical education classes are not enough daily exercise. Steps Six and Seven provide specific exercise plans to help you burn calories and stay fit. Cardiovascular recommendations include team sports, biking, running, swimming, and hip-hop dancing. You can also find weight lifting exercises and schedules, along with photos of Gotti demonstrating techniques.

Are supplements recommended?

This plan does not recommend supplements. Instead, the plan suggests that you can get all necessary nutrients by eating a variety of foods every day. It also discourages the use of popular weight loss supplements because of their potential dangers.

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