The Voice That We Must All Overcome


There is no doubt that we all have experienced some type of hesitation in our lives. We get the job, but have - what most software engineers call - imposter syndrome. We don't think we're good enough to even keep the job and our minds start to fill with thoughts of negativity. We start to doubt ourselves wondering if we are ever going to be good enough to actually be worthy of the current job we are in.

This is the voice that we ALL need to overcome. The voice of doubt, of insecurity, of fear.

"I am not good enough"

"I suck"

"They don't like me"

More often than not, we allow this voice to take over without realizing that we got to where we are because of the work that we put in. So how do we over come this voice in our heads?

Simple - The courage to face what we don't want to face.

We must let go of this voice in order for all of us to achieve our potential. We must overcome this voice and have faith that the next step we take is the right one. We must all trust the journey even when we don't see progress within the first week or even the first month. Even if it doesn't turn out the way that you expect and the company you start fails, that step that you take may lead you to a better opportunity. One that you would not have been able to have gotten if you didn't just start.

So, don't listen to that voice of fear, doubt and insecurity. It's time to just START

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