Traumatic Memories: A Bloody Tragedy in Simpang Kuala and Arakundo


Aceh Timur, the tragedy was happened in Simpang Kuala Idi cut, Aceh Timur Regency, in the middle of Wednesday night, February 3rd 1999, right in front of the Military base and Local Police office.

One day before the tragedy, the civilian was doing a community self-help in order to prepare the Islamic speech stage—in term of celebrating the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) birthday. Around 04.00 PM, some of army forces came to the stage and destroyed it, then they persecuted the civilian who were preparing the stage. The initial names of the victim are: Ri, Za, Bm, Jn, Ms, Si, US, Su, MI and MN. Their ages around 16 to 27 years old.

After the violence occurred, the people were continued the activities and did the things which they have not finish yet. Before the event started—the Islamic Speech at 08.00 PM, there was around 10.000 audiences attend to the event from certain regencies. The audiences gathered and came to the event earlier since afternoon in Simpang Kuala Stadium, Idi cut, Medan-Banda Aceh Street.

After event was end, at 00.30 AM, the audience went back to their home and got the traffic jam for a moment because too many people on the street. Some of them return home by walking and the others by using vehicles—lorries and motorcycles.

Then, they passed through the Idi Cut Army base and it was too dark, because the army obliged to anyone who pass the post must turn of any light of their vehicle. At the time, the people were panic because they were stopped and the way was blocked by military vehicles.

At 01.00 AM, there were gun fires in the East of Army base and some military trucks. One of the victim admitted there were three and four trucks after the first shot than followed by brutally attack to the civilian.

According to a witness HI (59)—he lived in Blang Pauah, Kuta Binjai. He just went from Langsa with his wife CN by red sedan. His car was also blocked and stopped by the army and stuck in the bloody tragedy.

He said that was a lorry right in front of his car—a truck which carried fish boxes. The truck was flat tire, because of the gun fire. Besides, there was another vehicle in front the truck—pick-up vehicle (Chevrolet) which carried away the audiences from the Speech event.

From the Chevrolet HI saw people were screaming and jump out from vehicle. The situation was mess up and panic. After that, he clearly heard gun fires and cries of pain. Then he and his wife got out of his car and down to the street.

Because of the panic situation, he forgot to close the door and the did not have time to turn off the light. The army was angry and yelling to him because his car light still on. The soldier threatened to destroy the windshield of his car.

Suddenly, he stood and answered back to the soldier that he is also one of military families, and lived in Army residential. “my son is your trainer, and he didn’t treat you that cruel.” Said HI.

Hearing HI’s voice up, another soldier came to him and asking about his son, then he explain who his son was, his rank and where was his duty.

At the time, the soldiers order them to get down politely again. Yet, HI asked them what corps they were come, they said “cepek”—known as 100 in Javanese. Thus, HI knew that they were from LINUD 100.

While mean time, the people were shooting and they were put onto the truck. HI also heard words of soldiers who did the attack during the tragedy. “you have killed Indonesian soldiers, cutting their neck then threw to the river.” Yelled one of them.

Amount 58 victims had been shot and put onto the military vehicle, whether their dead or alive. However, there were some of them had not been taken because they hid in the canal beside of street.

At 03.00 AM, the truck carried away the victims heading Arakundo Bridge—before they had been carried then thrown to the river, the victims were tied by wire in the whole body. Then they were put in to gunny sacks with the name of each soldier such as Sertu Iskandar.

The gunny bags which had consisted by the dead bodies were added the rock on them so that they became heavier.

the tragedy was proved by the discovery of the dead bodies on the next day, on February 4th and 5th 1999. Another witness was Bar—a civilian of Tanjong Lhok Blang, Julok, Aceh timur. He lived 300 meters from Arakundo Bridge.

Bar said that he was in his house at that time, he listened soldiers said “drag them all” then he was curious of it. He was peeking through the window, he saw three military trucks which parked in front of his house. One of the trucks was approaching to the bridge.

Meanwhile, other soldiers were busy cleaning vestiges of victims by using water then they hid them by sand.

Wednesday, 0n February 4th 1999, at 07.00 AM, local people who lived near the river smell of blood, then they saw some of dead bodies. Many of victims were not float on the river because they were tied with rocks.

The local people searched and rescued in the whole river in order to bury them properly, the evacuation was two days because many of them were not found yet.

One of the victims was IU (22) a civilian of Kapai Baro, Darul Aman, Aceh Timur. He was found dead in a gunny bag with had a written name of a soldier on it—Sertu Iskandar. His wife still keeps those gunny bag.

The evacuation process had done manually and traditionally by local people, because the army and other institutions did not want take any charge.

Source: Klik Kabar
Translator: Mahathir Rafsanjani

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